

时间:2021-09-06 16:41:41 雅思英语 我要投稿




  task1:小作文,bar charts啊,是说随着年龄的增长学习目的的改变情况,青年人大都是为了career,老年人大都是为了interest,还有employer和年龄的关系。

  task2: what is the reason for losing a variety of language and culture?


  An old topic, just about nature and nurture, which plays major role in personality and development.


  v112 (a类2003.1.18日高雄)


  比较2001年时4各国家在population,literacy与number of books published的数字


  公司应该鼓励年纪已到55岁的高阶人员退休,insgroupsto give opportunities to new generation,赞成及反对的理由为何?

  V113(2003.1.31悉尼uts )

  task 1

  You have to write a report for a university lecturer ; A chart shows the number of softwood and hardwood in new south wales, australia, from 1990 to 1998,

  task 2:

  Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training benefit to society.

  do you agree or disagree.

  use your own experience and knowledge to support your idea.

  写作v115(a类中国大陆,auckland 2003.2.8日和新西兰2003.1.18日)

  task 2:

  some people think killing animals as food is cruel and unnecessary.

  other people disagree because meat is essential to people.

  discuss and give your opinion

  v117 (2003.1.31英国)

  task1是有2个charts,分析一下daily consumption of protein and calories in different regions of world。其中图表中的protein有列出是from meat还是other protein,而四个regions則分別是有north America, south American,Africa,and India,只有north America在两方面都超出了ideal intake standard。大概是这样吧。

  task2,大概是说有人认为children要会competent, but others think that children should be taught to co-operate that become more useful adults. express some reasons of both views and give or own opinions...