

时间:2021-09-06 16:38:51 雅思英语 我要投稿







task one the below table and bar chat provide the information of participation rates of the female students in higher education (college and university) in Europe, the USA and Canada in 1990s

1994 1996 1998 (%)

Europe 48 48 47

Demark 45 43 44

Swaziland -- 37 35

Germany 53 54 54

UK 49 51 52

USA 54 55 55

Canada 53 54 54

The percentage of female students in the field of study in Europe 1998 Write a report for the university.

Note: Maybe some data and courses are not same as the original test. But the charts are similar.

Task 2: Most countries spend a large amount of money in weapons to defend themselves though they are not at war. To the countries it should spend money to help the citizens for whom in the countries are poor and disadvantaged. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement.


二.阅读. (version 20)阅读本来是我的强项,没想到这次竟然翻船了.由于太粗心,居然把所有的判断对错的题都写成了TRUE OR FALSE OR NOT GIVEN,而其中有大约七.八道题是应该用YES OR NO来答的.中间休息时听别人提起才知道,很是生气,因此也影响了写作.所以我就不想回忆阅读部分了.

三.写作(version 68) TASK 1 You took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant. Write a letter to the newsper to tell about it, describ the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit.

TASK 2. Choose an invertion, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life. Are the changes all possitive or negative?


Task 1:家务分工(大致意思如下,)

Women mainly Men mainly Equal share

shopping 46%