
1993年高考英语(II) 完形填空题·完全解析

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1993年高考英语(II) 完形填空题·完全解析

      Do you believe in love at first sight? Many people answer "No, we don't, "but I say I do. ___1___? I'll tell you my story.

        From childhood, I like people___2___blue eyes. I had a few dolls and I___3___ their eyes blue. I was really very___4___with my blue-eyed dolls. Time rushed by quickly, ___5___I was not a child___6___, ___7___I was 20. I like to drive my father's old car. ___8___I went to nearby town. I was busy that day. I___9___my car near the office ___ 10___I had to go. In a few minutes, I came___11___and a young policeman___12___for me near my car. I was not happy to___13___him. He tried to explain that I___14___my car in the wrong place, but I couldn't concentrate(集中精力) on his___15___. I had to___ 16___ his beautiful blue eyes. He___17___his words but I didn't___18___him well. He became___19___and began to speak___20___a loud voice. I paid him the fine(罚款) and I said to him, "Your___21___are nice." He smiled and said goodbye to me.

1993年高考英语(II) 完形填空题·完全解析

        In the evening this blue-eyed policeman___22___me up. The following day we went to the cinema. ___23___? My story has a happy___24___. We married and we___ 25___live happily together.

  1. A. How         B. What        C. Why         D. When

  2. A. of           B. with          C. in           D. for

  3. A. drew         B. enjoyed       C. found        D. painted

  4. A. kind         B. satisfied       C. happy        D. disappointed

  5. A. soon         B. afterwards    C. shortly       D. immediately

  6. A. once more    B. any more     C. already       D. altogether

  7. A. so           B. yet           C. and          D. as

  8. A. At first       B. In time       C. Once        D. Early

  9. A. stopped      B. kept         C. left          D. put

  10. A. which      B. that          C. when        D. where

  11. A. away        B. back          C. out          D. on

  12. A. was waiting    B. waited      C. had waited   D. had been waiting

  13. A. meet        B. greet         C. see           D. find

  14. A. was parking B. would park C. had parked   D. have parked

  15. A. speech      B. words        C. warning      D. question

  16. A. stare at      B. glare at      C. recognize     D. noticed

  17. A. spoke       B. told          C. repeated      D. shouted

  18. A. listen to     B. hear          C. remember    D. react to

  19. A. strict        B. patient        C. nervous     D. pleased

  20. A. in          B. with         C. for            D. at

  21. A. words       B. impression    C. manners     D. eyes

  22. A. caught      B. called        C. took          D. picked

  23. A. After that     B. As a result    C. After a while D. What about

  24. A. conclusion  B. finish         C. ending       D. stop

  25. A. ever        B. even          C. now          D. so

  1-5CBCCA  6-10BDCCD  11-15BAACB  16-20ACBAA  21-25DBACC


  题号 答案 考查内容

  解题依据 解题分析

  1 C 逻辑推理词语用法 很多人不相信一见钟情,但我相信,为什么?然后用自己的故事来说明。why用于引出下文。

  2 B 词汇用法 with在句中是介词短语作定语,相当于having,作"长着…(眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴……)"。

  3 C 常识运用,词义比较 由上下文可知,作者喜欢蓝眼睛的人,原因是发现(find)他的玩具的眼睛都是蓝色的。这些蓝色自然不是作者画(draw)、涂(paint)上去的。enjoy不用于宾语+宾语补语结构。

  4 C 逻辑推理词义比较 作者因为有蓝眼睛的玩具而感到高兴。be happy with有……而高兴;be kind with对……和蔼,仁慈;be satisfied with使对……感到满意,满足;be disappointed with对……感到失望。

  5 A 逻辑推理词义辨析 时间过得很快,不久我已不是小孩了。soon很快,不久;shortly立刻,不久,但时间要比soon仓促;afterwards然后, 后来地;immediately随即, 马上, 直接地,通常指快速的思维反应或行为。

  6 B 固定搭配 not…any more不再,指数量上、程度上不再增加,是固定词组。

  7 D 语句连贯 as相当于when在句中引导一时间状语从句。

  8 C 词汇用法 once曾经,有一次,常用讲述某件事的开头。at first起先;in time及时;early在初期。

  9 C 词义辨析,前后照应 根据下文可知,作者是把车停放在办公室附近了。leave把……留在某地,使其处于一种状态;stop阻止、停止,强调动作;keep保持,使原来的状态持续;put放置,强调动作。

  10 D 句法结构 此处需用一关系词来引导定语从句,根据句意,只能用where。

  11 B 固定搭配词义比较 我回到车子边。come back回来,复原;come away离开;脱落;come out出来, 长出;come on快点,跟着来, 上演。

  12 A 语法规则 整句话的意思是"当我回来时,一个年轻的警察正在车旁等我"。需要用过去进行时态。

  13 A 词义辨析 meet遇见,撞见,相遇,通常含有"没有料到"的意义,故比其他选项都更贴切;greet 问候, 打招呼;see看, 看见,注意;find找到, 发现, 感到。

  14 C 语法规则 此处需要用过去完成时,表示作者在警官解释之前已经做过的事。

  15 B 词义比较常识运用 我并没集中精力听他说的话(words)。speech演说, 讲话;warning警告,通知;question问题, 疑问。

  16 A 前后照应词义辨析 作者没有集中精力听警察说话,眼睛盯在了那双蓝眼睛