
猪流感可能比我们想象的更具传染性 中英文对照

时间:2021-11-07 12:32:07 生活口语 我要投稿

猪流感可能比我们想象的更具传染性 中英文对照

Swine flu may be more infectious than we thought – health chief


猪流感可能比我们想象的更具传染性 中英文对照

  Swine flu may be more infectious than so far appears in the UK and the current guidance on catching it may have to be changed, the chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, warned today.


  The World Health Organisation concurred, saying that if unchecked, swine flu could affect almost a third of the population – 2 billion people.


  Although currently it is only mild, the attack rate of the strain now affecting 23 countries is around 25-30%, Donaldson said, although he added that it was possible people over the age of 50 might have some immunity to the virus.唐纳得森先生说,虽然在目前,猪流感的传染态势较为平稳,波及到23个国家的速率大约为百分之二十五到百分之三十。但是他补充说,五十岁以上的人可能对猪流感具有某种抗体。

  In the UK, the Health Protection Agency says that only those who have been within one metre of an infected person for more than an hour are considered to be at risk. "I think it will be more transmissible than that when it gets going," said Donaldson. "We may need to look at that advice."


  Anybody with flu-like symptoms is already being told to stay at home to avoid infecting other people. He said that if flu spreads and becomes more severe, particularly in the winter months, there will be concerns about people working at close quarters in offices and travelling together on tubes, trains and buses.有感冒症状的人都被告知留在家里,以免感染他人。他说,如果流感得以传播并越来越严重的话,那么那些集中办公的人们,以及地铁、火车、公共汽车上的人们就更令人担忧了,尤其是在冬天。

  Donaldson, giving a joint briefing in London with Alan Johnson, the health secretary, said the top laboratories in the world were still analysing the flu strain now said to have killed 42 people in Mexico, which also has 1,112 confirmed cases. "We have to wait another few weeks for characterisation of the virus," he said.唐纳德森先生与卫生部秘书长阿兰·约翰森在伦敦举行了一次情况介绍会,在会上,他说世界上所有顶级的实验室都在对流感病毒进行分析,该流感病毒在墨西哥己经导致42人死亡,而且还确诊了1112例感染病例。他说:“要得到有关该病毒的确切消息,我们还不得不再等上几周时间。”

  Last night five swine flu cases were confirmed in Brazil and Argentina. Brazilian Health Minister Jose Gomes Temporao said four young adults contracted the flu outside the country - three in Mexico, and one in Florida. Prior to Thursday, Colombia was the only South American nation to confirm swine flu with its borders.昨天晚上,巴西和阿根庭确诊了五例猪流感病例,巴西卫生部部长杰西高米斯·汤普傲说这些人都是在境外感染上猪流感的,其中三人是在墨西哥,一个是在佛罗里达。在本周五之前,哥伦比亚还是南美唯一一个有猪流感确疹病例的国家。

  In Mexico and in the USA – which Donaldson said was about a month behind Mexico in the progress of its flu outbreak – the picture looks different to here, with many more cases apparently transmitted from one human to another. Only 10 of the 34 cases confirmed in the UK were actually acquired here.唐纳德先生说,美国是在墨西哥发生猪流感疫情之后一个月才发现猪流感疫情的,这两个国家的疫情看起来与英国不同,在美国和墨西哥,猪流感通过人体传播己经感染了越来越多的人。而英国所发现的34例病例中,仅有10例是在英国本土感染的

  On the possibility that people over the age of 50 might have some immunity to the virus, which is of the H1N1 strain, Donaldson said: "H1N1 has been around a long time. It was a sub-type of the Spanish flu and is in our current seasonal flu vaccine. The optimistic interpretation is that the immune systems of the over-50s might have some memory of the H1N1 of this kind."依据50岁以上的人可能对猪流感具有一些抗体的估计,唐纳德先生说:“H1N1可能早就有了。它可能是西班牙流感的一个亚种,可能就存在于我们当前一些季节性流感的疫苗当中。乐观地估计,50岁以上人群的免疫系统中可能残留有H1N1这种病毒。”

  He and Johnson defended their handling of the flu outbreak against critics who say it should be treated just like a mild seasonal flu, without school closures or the handout of antiviral drugs to contacts of those who are sick.唐纳德森先生和约翰森先生都坚持必须对猪流感采取防控措施,一些对此持批评意见的人说,政府对待猪流感应该像一般的季节性流感一样,没有必要关闭学校或是向感染者发放抗病毒药物。

  "We don't know enough about the illness at this stage. It is very reassuring that cases so far are not worse. We don't want a situation where a child is admitted to hospital because of the complications of flu. As far as children are concerned, I'm very, very cautious. Simply to allow people to be exposed to it and develop antibodies I don't think is the right approach." “对于猪流感,我们的认识还完全不够。但很肯定的是,到目前为止,情况还不是太过于糟糕。我们不想看见任何孩子感染上这种病毒。因为孩子也有可能被感染,所以我非常非常的小心。我认为只去开发抗体而不对猪流感采取防控措施不是什么正确的方法。”

  Johnson said he would rather have egg on his face than deaths on his hands. "I'd rather be accused of over-hyping something and exaggerating than not be prepared for a general pandemic that seriously affected our citizens," he said. The current strategy of containment justified using "precious antiviral drugs", he said. If it became widespread or more severe, the strategy would change to reduce the numbers of people given drugs on a preventive basis. Patients and their family members would receive drugs, but not others who might have been in contact.


  School closures, on the advice of the Health Protection Agency, were a necessary part of the containment strategy. Johnson said the public response to the flu threat had been good, but "now the danger is complacency".根据健康保护组织的建议,关闭学校是防控策略的必要措施之一,约翰森表示,公众对于猪流感防治措施的回应是积极的,但是现在的关键是不能掉以轻心、麻痹大意。

  The government has ordered 227 million face masks and 34 respirators for health workers and has spent between £400m and £500m on its stockpile of flu drugs, which is being expanded to cover 80% of the population from 50% now; £100 million has been committed in contracts to drug companies Baxter and GlaxoSmithKline to produce a vaccine once the strain is understood.政府已经订购了227,000,000个面具,并且为卫生工作人员订购了34个呼吸器,在抗病毒药物储备上花费了四亿到五亿英磅,这些药物将能够满足总人口80%的需要,并且政府还与药物生产企业巴克斯特公司和高利克斯·史密斯克来恩公司签订了一亿英磅的疫苗采购协议,一旦人们能够解析猪流感病毒,疫苗生产将会立刻开始。