

时间:2021-11-08 14:01:42 生活口语 我要投稿


Do you have a menu in English, please?




A:  There are so many things in this menu, so many different dishes.

A:  菜单上列出了这么多的东西--有这么多不同的菜。

B:  Yes, I think you'll have to help me and explain them.

B:  是的,我想你得帮我解释一下它们都是什么。

A:  Maybe I can translate some for you.

A:  也许我能给你翻译一下。

B:  Thanks. But maybe they have a menu in English.

B:  谢谢。但是说不定他们有英文的菜单呢。

A:  You're right. That would be easier. Let's ask the waitress.

A:  说得对。那样就容易了。咱们问问女侍者。

B:  Excuse me. Do you have a menu in English?

B:  劳驾。你们有英文菜单吗?


1、If you want to say that there is a lot of something 如果你想说某物有很多,你可以用so many 这么多(用于复数)或者so much 这么多(用于单数)例如: There are so many different dishes. 有这么多不同的菜肴。There's so much rice. 有这么多的米饭。

2、记住Maybe用来表示可能性:Maybe I can translate for you. 或许我可以为你翻译一下。Maybe they have an English menu. 也许他们有英文菜单。