
Its the same in Beijing北京和这里一样

时间:2022-02-06 18:44:16 体育口语 我要投稿

Its the same in Beijing北京和这里一样

  It's the same in Beijing.


  A: I guess the best way to reduce traffic and pollution is to add more public transport facilities.

  A: 我想减少交通堵塞和污染的最好办法是增加公共交通设施。

  B: Well, it's certainly one way to help.

  B: 哦,这当然是一个有助于解决问题的办法。

  A: More buses and trains means less cars.

  A: 更多的公共汽车和火车意味着私家车的减少。

  B: Yes. It's the same in Beijing. Good transport systems help.

  B: 是的。北京和这里一样。发达的交通系统有助于减少交通堵塞。

  A: And fewer cars means less pollution and fewer traffic jams.

  A: 私家车的减少意味着污染和交通堵塞的减少。

  B: And more people cycling! Lots of healthy exercise.

  A: 还有骑自行车人的增加!很多有益健康的运动…



  Remember you can use comparative adjectives and opposites to compare things: more/fewer/ less, e.g. More buses and trains means fewer cars/ fewer cars means fewer traffic jams.

  记住你怎样用形容词比较级和反义词来比较不同的事物,例如:more /更多的, fewer/ 更少的和less / 更少的, 例如: More buses and trains means fewer cars. /更多的公共汽车和火车意味着私家车的减少; And fewer cars means fewer traffic jams. /私家车的减少意味着交通堵塞的减少。
