

时间:2022-02-06 19:06:50 专业词汇 我要投稿



请看《中国日报》相关报道:New regulations are in the pipeline to regulate video content on the Internet in the wake of a surge in short satirical films online, according to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Video spoofs have become so popular that netizens have even coined a slang term, "egao," to describe the act of using real film clips to create mocking send-ups.

显然,报道中的“video spoof”就是互联网上铺天盖地的“恶搞”。


Spoof的诞生得归功于英国喜剧大师Arthur Roberts(亚瑟·罗伯茨),20世纪初他创作了一种Spoof喜剧形式,该剧融“滑稽、荒诞、讽刺和拙劣模仿”于一体。后spoof引申为“戏弄、哄骗、轻微的讽刺”等含义。

Spoof(恶搞)沿用了“滑稽模仿”这层意思,其近义词有parody,amusing imitation,send-up。看下面例句:

The show successfully spoofs the TV programs and commercials. (这场表演通过模仿成功地讽刺了那些电视节目和商业广告。)