
Finding a Particular Book in the Lib

时间:2021-09-06 15:37:23 四六级写作 我要投稿

Finding a Particular Book in the Library-在图书馆里寻找某一本书

Finding a Particular Book in the Library

Write a passage with the words and phrases given:

Finding a Particular Book in the Library-在图书馆里寻找某一本书

easy, simply, author, catatogue, card, shelfmark, appropriate, title, check, subject, looking, proceed issue, reserve.

Finding a Particular Book in the Library

     Finding a particular book in the library is quite easy. You simply go to the author catalogue. You will find a card with the author's name, the title of the work and the shelfmark. You will go to the appropriate shelf, take the book and get it stamped at the loan desk.

     If you do not know the author, but only the title, you can check the title catalogue in the same way as you did with the author catalogue. If there is no title catalogue, then the library should have a subject catalogue. You will have to check through all the titles under that subject until you find the one you ale looking for. The card with the title on it will also have a shelfmark, and then you priced as we mentioned before.

     Sometimes the book may not be there, it means that someone has checked it out, In that case, you can go to the loan desk and reserve it.



