四年级英语教案Unit 2 My schoolbag 第三课时

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四年级英语教案Unit 2 My schoolbag 第三课时

Unit 2 My schoolbag 第三课时 备时  9、28 授时9、30 一、Teaching aims: 1.  The Ss can write the letters from J to N and recognize the words which are beginning with the letter J to N. 2.  The Ss can write these words correctly.二.Teaching emphasis and difficulties. 1.  The teaching emphasis is the Ss can write the letters from J to N and recognize the words which are begining with the letter J to N. 2.  The teaching difficulty is whether the Ss can write letters correctly.三.Teaching materials. 1.  The cards of letters from J-N. 2.  Some apples’cards. 3.  The tape recorder and a tape.四.Teaching processes: (一)Greeting. (二)Review. T: Listen, children. Look at our classroom. How many doors/windows/boards can you see? Ss answer. T: Yes, you’re right. Ok, now please look at our blackboard. What can you see in our blackboard? Ss: I can see an apple tree. T: Very good! Now, please open your books, turn to page P16.Let’s read together. Show me your hands. Clap your hands and read “Let’do” together. Ss read together. T: Ok, the second time. This time we don’t read but act. Are you ready? Let’s go! Ss act but without reading. (三) 导入 Game: Catch fish T:字母卡片A-G是一条条身手敏捷的小鱼,它们会很快的从你眼前游过,咱们来比比看,看谁的眼尖,手快,举手告诉老师,第一个回答出来的就是第一个逮着鱼的.人,而且可以得到一个苹果。Understand? (四)Present. T: Ok, today there are some new friends. They’re Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn. The first friend is Jj. Ok, now show me your finger. Write after me. Look at his family. Whom do you know? Ss answer. T: Oh, here’s a stranger. Please look at this picture and tell me“what’s his Chinese name?…… Ss answer. (五)Presentation the new words. To show the cards of pen, pencil, bag. T: What’s this? Ss: Pen. T: Ok, you can read it, but can you spell it? Ss answer. T: Very good! Spell again. (The teacher write the word “pen” on the blackboard)  The same way to teach “bag” and “pencil”. 课后反思:整节课学习氛围非常好,但是在某些细节方面如:注重学生习惯的培养,等的细节问题处理不足,还有就是整节课太快、太紧张,学生没有松弛的时间,写、动手的时间太少,应该给学生多留些时间练习。

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