书名:Biscuit Finds a Friend 亲子共读教案

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书名:Biscuit Finds a Friend 亲子共读教案

书名:Biscuit Finds a Friend (这个是我仿照PDF自己制作设计的,希望大家提建议哈) 课堂步骤 Read Biscuit Finds a Friend aloud. 大声朗读Biscuit Finds a Friend Point to the words as you read. 读的时候指着单词。 Encourage students to read repeated words, such as woof and little duck. 鼓励孩子去“读”反复出现的单词,比如woof和little duck。 After reading, ask: Who is Biscuit’s new friend? Do you have a friend? Who is it?What do you play with your friend? 读过之后提问: Who is Biscuit’s new friend? 饼干的新朋友是谁? Do you have a friend? Who is it? 你有朋友吗?是谁? What do you play with your friend? 你和你的朋友玩什么? Ask your students to draw some pictures about their friends. Tell what they look like and discuss why you like them. 让学生们画出他们的`朋友。一起说说他们长得什么样子。讨论一下你为什么喜欢他们。 例如:Kevin is my friend. He is tall. He has big brown eyes and a big nose. I like him because he can play with me. Kevin 是我的朋友,他很高。他长着黑色的眼睛和一个大鼻子。我喜欢他因为他能和我玩。 At Home: Act as your kid’s new friend. Start making friends with him/her. Try starting with “How are you. My name’s (Kevin). What’s your name?” 作为孩子的新朋友和孩子表演。和他交朋友。试着用“How are you. My name’s Kevin. What’s your name?”开头。

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