Definition of OFFER

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Definition of OFFER

transitive verb


a : to present as an act of worship or devotion : sacrifice

b : to utter (as a prayer) in devotion


a : to present for acceptance or rejection : tender <was offered a job>

b : to present in order to satisfy a requirement <candidates for degrees may offer French as one of their foreign languages>


a : propose, suggest <offer a solution to a problem>

b : to declare one's readiness or willingness <offered to help me>


a : to try or begin to exert : put up <offered stubborn resistance>

b : threaten <offered to strike him with his cane>

5: to make available : afford; especially : to place (merchandise) on sale

6: to present in performance or exhibition

7: to propose as payment : bid

【Definition of OFFER】相关文章:


2.Graduate Offer

3.offer letter

4.Tender Offer

5.英语演讲稿-My definition of success

6.Job Offer Letter...Negotiating and Evaluating The Job Offer


8.Student and graduate offer