商业午餐business lunch

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商业午餐business lunch

       商业午餐(business lunch) 是一种流行的商谈与社交合一的.交际应酬方式,

商业午餐business lunch

商业午餐business lunch

       餐前,邀请人通常要向被邀请人讲清这次商业午餐的目的,比如 :
       I'd like to introduce you to the new members of the project group. 

       如果无法成行,被邀请人应委婉地向对方回绝 : 
       I'm sorry, but I have another appointment. 
       ( 对不起,我另有约会 。)

       That sounds great. 


       在商量好时间、地点之后,双方都应准时赴约 ,


商业午餐business lunch》(https://www.unjs.com)。
       一般说来,在吃饭时,大家会谈论一些轻松的与生意无关的话题,当餐具被收起,甜点上桌后,就可以提议 : 
       Can we talk a little bit about the project? 

       这样双方就比较自然地转入工作话题了 。

       午餐结束后,应由邀请方料理付帐的事情 : 
       We''ll take care of the bill. 

       双方告别时,邀请方要向接受邀请的对方道谢 : 
       We''re glad you joined us. 
       (我们非常高兴您的赏光 。)

【商业午餐business lunch】相关文章:

1.商业午餐(business lunch)

2.英语文化:商业午餐business lunch

3.business lunch

4.Lunch interview


6.Business Negotiation

7.Business Cover Letters

8.Business Consultant Resume