五年级英语下册Unit 2教案

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五年级英语下册Unit 2教案

  Lesson 7教案示例

五年级英语下册Unit 2教案


  【重点】句型Where are they? They’re…

  词汇kite under

  【难点】发音Let’s play hide and seek.

  Turn around and count.

  名词复数的发音 cats kites


  一、Warm-up/ Revision

  1 Tongue twister [配套教材三册Lesson 28]


  2 Guessing game

  教师在课前将自己的书包和一些学生的文具放在特定的地点(告诉这些学生东西放在哪里),学生说完绕口令后立刻问:Where is my bag? 示意让学生跟着自己手指的方向一起找,对最先发现并说出答案的学生给于表扬。再请其余几个被藏起学具的学生到前面来,依次问:Where is my…? 并进行与前面同样的步骤,直到找到全部被藏的学具。


  1 Lead-in

  教师边说Where is my…?(最后寻找的学具),边做要写板书的'动作,走到黑板前发现没有粉笔了,于是对学生说:The chalks are too short to write. Where are the long chalks? Where are they? 经过学生帮助后,教师用找到的粉笔在黑板上板书:Where are they? They’re in the teacher’s desk.

  2 Let’s practise [配套录音]

  (1)将Let’s practise部分的图片打散放在讲台上。




  Example: Where are the cats? They’re on the table.

  3 Learn to say

  (1)Watch and answer

  教师播放录像,提问:What are they doing?

  What are they looking for?

  Where are the pencils?


  KEYS: They’re playing.

  They’re looking for the pencils.

  They’re in Tom’s book.

  (2) 师生合作展现课文对话场景



  4 Act out .


  1 Hide and seek

  (1)3~4个学生组成一个小组,做Hide and seek游戏


  (3)打破小组界线,教师从每组中各选择一位学生临时配合做Hide and seek,教师计算时间,看该组学生找多长时间内能找到所要找的东西

  2 Make a picture


  (2)教师提出任务:Make a beautiful and clean room

  T: Put these things in the room. Make a beautiful and clean room.


  (3)展示作品:找两组学生展示作品,并根据其他同学的提问对设计进行解释。如:Where are the books? They’re on the desk.


  S1: Where are the shoes?

  S2: They’re under the bed. (贴在相应的位置上)

  S3: Where are the shirts?

  S4: They’re on the bed. (贴在相应处)


  1、Look and read

  cat cats kite kites under in on under


  Example: Where are they?

  They’re on the chair.


  3、Workbook.(1, 2)

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