
时间:2021-06-29 12:13:35 考研英语 我要投稿
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考研英语改革后,考研英语新大纲给出的考研词汇尚有两个重要问题急需解决,那就是缺少"单词的汉语释义"和"英文词组"两问题,而词组问题更是广大考生头疼的问题,因为大纲中没有收录任何关词组的范围和汉语释义。这就需全凭考生自行解决。参考了牛津Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (Sixth edition),剑桥Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary,朗文NEWUPDATED - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online,韦氏Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 等词典最新版的




181. at any cost idm (=under any circumstances)ad.在任何情况下,无论如何

182. at the cost of prep.以…为代价

183. count in phr v (=to include someone in an activity or arrangement)v.把(某人)算入

184. count on/upon sb phr v (=to be confident that you can depend on someone)v.依靠(某


185. in the course of sth idm (=going through a particular process)prep.在…过程中

186. (by) courtesy of sb idm (=by someone's permission, provision or kindness, rather than

by paying them)prep.蒙…批准(批准、好意等)

187. (by) courtesy of sth idm (=if one thing happens courtesy of another, the second thing

caused the first)prep.由于,因为,由…引起

188. off the cuff idm (=If you speak off the cuff, you say something without having prepared or

thought about your words first)ad.提前未作准备或没有思考的`,即兴的

189.be out of date idm (=if information is out-of-date, it is not recent and may no longer be

correct [= outdated])a.过时的

190. to date idm (=up to now)ad.迄今为止