硕士研究生发表多篇癌症研究文章 引关注

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硕士研究生发表多篇癌症研究文章 引关注

  摘要: 来自三峡大学医学院的2008级硕士研究生秦烨近期在国际分子生物学领域的著名学术期刊《Cancer Biology & Therapy》发表论文:Melanoma B16-F1 cells coated with fusion protein of mouse calreticulin and virus G-protein coupled receptor induced the antitumor immune response in Balb/C mice,解析了包被CRT/vGPCR融合蛋白的凋亡黑色素瘤B16细胞可诱导Balb/C小鼠产生抗肿瘤免疫应答,倍受关注。

硕士研究生发表多篇癌症研究文章 引关注

  生物通报道:来自三峡大学医学院的2008级硕士研究生秦烨近期在国际分子生物学领域的.著名学术期刊《Cancer Biology & Therapy》发表论文:Melanoma B16-F1 cells coated with fusion protein of mouse calreticulin and virus G-protein coupled receptor induced the antitumor immune response in Balb/C mice,解析了包被CRT/vGPCR融合蛋白的凋亡黑色素瘤B16细胞可诱导Balb/C小鼠产生抗肿瘤免疫应答,倍受关注。

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  《Cancer Biology & Therapy》同期也配发了美国杜克大学专家为其写得综述,认为“此项研究提示了CRT在抗肿瘤研究中的重要的潜在应用价值,为肿瘤预防和治疗提供了新的思路”。



  Melanoma B16-F1 cells coated with fusion protein of mouse calreticulin and virus G-protein coupled receptor induced the antitumor immune response in Balb/C mice

  In apoptotic progress of tumor cells stimulated by special agents, the calreticulin (CRT) was relocated from endoplasmic reticulum onto the cell surface. When used as cellular antigen to immunize experimental animals, these CRT-coated apoptotic tumor cells could initiate effective anti-tumor immunoresponse against homologous tumor cells, indicating the value of CRT in anti-tumor immunotherapy. In order to develop an universal technique that could make CRT-coating more efficiently in the tumor cells, in this study, a mouse CRT recombinant gene with virus G-protein coupled receptor (vGPCR) was constructed and cloned into vector pcDNA3.1(+). When resulted plasmid pcDNA3.1(+)-mCRT/ vGPCR was stably transfected into the mouse melanoma B16-F1 cells, the mCRT-vGPCR recombinant protein was synthesized. With the membrane-locating ability of vGPCR in the recombinant protein, mCRT-vGPCR was carried onto the surface of B16-F1 cells efficiently. Overexpression of mCRT-vGPCR on the cell surface could enhance the phagocytosis of B16-F1 by macrophages in vitro. When mCRT-vGPCR coated B16-F1 cells were used as a cell-antigen to immunize mice, the specific anti-tumor immune response against the homologous tumor cells was initiated efficiently. Our data in this study may provide a new possibility for CRT-mediated tumor immune prevention and treatment.



  男, 1954年4月生, 湖北省武汉市黄陂县人. 生物化学教授, 硕士生导师,三峡大学医学院院长,三峡大学分子生物学研究所所长. 湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家, 湖北省高校跨世纪学术带头人. 美国肿瘤研究学会(AACR)高级会员, 中国生物化学与分子生物学学会会员. 2000 - 2005年, 美国Johns Hopkins 大学医学院肿瘤研究所 Instructor 1996 - 2000年, 美国Johns Hopkins大学医学院肿瘤研究所Post-doc. Fellow 1995年, 获北京协和医科大学分子生物学博士学位 1987年, 获湖北医科大学生物化学硕士学位 1996年晋升为生物化学教授 1991年晋升为生物化学副教授 1987年晋升为生物化学讲师 研究方向: 分子生物学, 生物化学

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