

时间:2021-10-02 13:57:08 英语论文 我要投稿


 保险业  The insurance industry  保证重点支出  Ensure funding for priority areas  补发拖欠的养老金  Clear up pension payments in arrears  不良贷款  Non — performing loan  层层转包和违法分保  Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting  城乡信用社  Credit Cooperative in both urban and rural areas  城镇居民最低生活保障  A minimum standard of living for city residents  城镇职工医疗保险制度  The system of medical insurance for urban workers  出口信贷  Export credit      贷款质量  Loan quality  贷款质量五级分类办法  The five-category assets classification for bank loans  防范和化解金融风险  Take precautions against and reduce financial risks  防洪工程  Flood-prevention project  非法外汇交易  Illegal foreign exchange transaction  非贸易收汇  Foreign exchange earnings through non trade channels  非银行金融机构  Non-bank financial institutions  费改税  Transform administrative fees into taxes  跟踪审计  Follow-up auditing  工程监理制度  The monitoring system for projects  国有资产安全  The safety of state-owned assets  过度开垦  Excess reclamation  合同管理制度  The contract system for governing projects

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