
毕业论文-论商人文若虚 - 语言文学论文

时间:2021-10-31 17:54:40 语文论文 我要投稿

毕业论文-论商人文若虚 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-论商人文若虚 - 语言文学论文

《转运汉遇巧洞庭红 波斯胡指破鼍龙壳》通过对文若虚两次巧遇发财机会陡然暴富故事的描写, 成功的刻画了1个由“本钱1空”的“倒运汉”到富甲1方的商人形象。文若虚是1个典型的“转运汉”,我们不但可以从他身上发现许多闪光之处:热爱生活、存心忠厚、精明灵活、处事谨慎、敢于实践、不受传统观念束缚,也可以发现文若虚身上强烈的伦理色彩。    



    "Chinese it transship meet the red Persian moustache last " until to if the timid to encounter by chance get rich twice there arent chance " in Dongting Lake, successful portrayal one " having bad luck Chinese " to rich first one party of businessman images " until " whether capital empty ". Gentle if it is a typical " transship Chinese " to be timid, we not only can find a lot of flashing places from him : Love the honest and tolerant , shrewd and flexible, handle affairs practice prudently, dare of life, intentions , not fetter by the traditional idea, can find if empty and on ones body strong ethics color gently too.

    Key words: Wen Ruoxu; Honest and tolerant ; Risky