
毕业论文-沉浮不定,坎坷人生—试析曹植作品的柔情丽质 - 语言文学论文

时间:2021-10-31 17:53:09 语文论文 我要投稿

毕业论文-沉浮不定,坎坷人生—试析曹植作品的柔情丽质 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-沉浮不定,坎坷人生—试析曹植作品的柔情丽质 - 语言文学论文




         Cao Zhi’sinking and floating is not stable, the rough life experience has had the profound influence to its creation, but the reality dangerously caused him to be able not but to use one mild complication writing technique to express feelings, he was good at utilizing the romanticism technique performance tender feelings beauty the literary style. The tender feelings beauty is refers to Cao to plant in the work the sentimental warm persimmon as well as his intrinsic spirit character wonderful is high; He is good at utilizing the magnificent language reposing emotion. No matter life how rough, he to performs meritrious deeds rigid and positively enters the world spirit to be firm is its tender feelings beauty literary style mental connotation

    Key words: Cao Zhi; the tender feelings beauty; sinking and floating is stable; the romanticism; the rough life