

时间:2021-10-31 17:28:30 语文论文 我要投稿

毕业论文:身觉的“零度叙事”与不自觉的“情感退场”试述先锋作家叙事策略后的主体情感 - 语言文学毕业论文

摘  要:先锋小说的实验性,很大程度上源于作品形式的大胆创新,如叙述视角的切换、意象的叠加、重复手法的运用等等。不过有不少的先锋作家在叙事技巧日臻熟稔的同时,放弃了对自己情感主张和精神内涵的表达。本文就试图从先锋小说的叙事策略、渊源影响及受众心理出发,探索先锋小说叙事形式与作家精神内核之间的协调与矛盾。

毕业论文:身觉的“零度叙事”与不自觉的“情感退场”试述先锋作家叙事策略后的主体情感 - 语言文学毕业论文

关键字:先锋作家    叙事    情感


Abstract: The experiment of pioneers novel, the ones that came from form of the works were bold in blazing new trails to a great extent, such as narrating application of superposing , repeating the tactics of switching over , image of the visual angle, etc.. Have many pioneer writer in while being day by day familiar to narrate skill, expression of giving up advocating to ones own emotion and spiritual intension. This text attempts to proceed from the narration tactics, origin of pioneers novel are influenced and audiences psychology, explore coordination and contradiction that pioneers novel narrates between the spiritual kernels of form and writer.

Key words:  the pioneer is a writer   narrate   emotion