
时间:2021-12-16 10:42:17 读后感 我要投稿


2010年2月23日 亲爱的爱玛老师, 比赛规则有121条,包括:参赛者必须穿蓝色衣服,追捕者穿黄色,裁判穿黑白色。其他规则有:如果你被追捕者抓到,你必须在拘留所呆够72小时才能继续参赛。 是的,我认出了巴黎,莫斯科,和其他所有他去过的`地方。 我现在在读《马克西姆:学校永远放假了》。这是《天使试验》的续集。 在这本书里,马克西姆一直认为杰伯是叛徒,她恨他。但我认为尽管他出卖了她,并接到命令“回收”她,他实际上爱她(我刚发现他是她的父亲。) 我刚读完《马克西姆:拯救世界》。 马克西姆的同父异母弟弟阿里是个“清除者”,一开始总是想要杀了鸟孩们,抓住马克西姆。 但当他领她参观了爱太克斯公司后,他不再恨马克西姆了。马克西姆也不再恨他。我认为他们彼此知道对方并不是故意作那些做过的事。                                       真诚的,                                       冰 ***   2010年3月1日 亲爱的冰, 马克西姆发现了一些家庭秘密。你对她妈妈有了哪些了解? 为什么马克西姆总是想要拯救世界? 从哪里拯救出来? “学校”是怎样跟踪她和其他鸟孩的? 在我看来她每天所做的就是设法躲避“清除者”,设法使爱太克斯公司不知道她在哪里,设法阻止其他人变成坏人。 我理解得对吗?                                      真诚的,                                      爱玛老师 *** 2/23/2010 Dear Ms. Emma, I think there are 121 rules in the contest including players have to wear blue, trackers yellow, and referees black-and-white.  Also there are rules like if you are caught by trackers you have to remain in detention for 72 hours before continuing. Yes, I recognized Paris, Moscow, and all of the countries he went to. I am now reading Maximum Ride: School’s Out - Forever. It is the sequel to The Angel Experiment. In this book Max always thinks of Jeb as a traitor and she hates him.  But I think even though he betrays her and has orders to “retire” her, he actually loves her (I just found out he is her father.) I just finished Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports. Ari, Max’ Eraser half-brother, first always wanted to kill the flock and capture Max.  But after he toured her around Itex, he didn’t hate Max anymore.  Max didn’t hate him anymore either.  I think they both knew the other person didn’t do what they did on purpose.                                      Sincerely,                                      Ben *** 3/1/2010 Dear Ben, Max has discovered some family secrets.  What do you know about her mother? Why does Max always have to save the world?  Save it from what? How is the School able to track her and the rest of flock? It seems to me that her day is trying to escape the Erasers, trying to keep the Itex Corporation from knowing where she is and trying to keep others from joining the evil side. Am I close?                                      Sincerely,                                      Ms. Emma


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