
时间:2023-05-03 07:19:54 关于作文 我要投稿




英文假期作文 篇1


  When the summer vacation comes, everyone will have a plan for the summer vacation. I also have a plan for the summer vacation. Do you want to know? If you want to know my summer vacation plan, please don't worry, please allow me to say. Come back and let me listen to your summer vacation plans!


  A, I most love the sport is soccer, when I want to just the summer, some people call the bustling football match (the number of the best is 6 - 10). But the more people, we are happy to play, so I want more people to come a little more, the more the better.


  Two, as the saying goes well, the plan of a year is spring, and the day is in the morning. To cherish the morning, so I use the time of study in the morning, other time can be fun to play. My mother also said that work must be efficient in the morning, so that it would not take long before I finished my homework and had a lot of time to play. This summer vacation will be very happy to play, and I can also go to other people to play every day!


  Three. I signed up for a summer camp during the summer vacation. Isn't that what I've been dreaming of? I heard there is a real real CS live bomb experience, "mission island", and can go to Mara Bay. The cost is 650 yuan and one company to accompany me. The summer camp must be fun!


  This is the arrangement for my summer vacation. What is your summer vacation schedule? Please tell me.

英文假期作文 篇2

  Summer Holiday Plan

  Many classmates ask me about my plan for summer holiday. How I wish I could have a colorful and fruitful holiday, so I have decided to do a part-time job during the summer vacation. On the one hand, I can earn some pocket money by doing a part-time job. I can spend them freely, because they are earned by myself. On the other hand, I can accumulate some practical experience by doing a part-time job. They can’t be learned in the class or from text books. Besides, I will go over my study and do some preview. I don’t want to waste the summer holiday.

英文假期作文 篇3

  Winter holiday is coming again, I can not be like the last holiday to play crazy, come to see my winter vacation plan book!

  1 ~ 3 pages

  The winter vacation is coming. It's cold. So I want to do more exercise, I am weak from the small body I want to persist in the morning around the community to run twice, and then do 20 minutes of aerobics. In the evening, go to the park to practice all kinds of fitness equipment, activities and bones. Can be able to do these to me this ordinary "clothes to stretch hand, rice to open mouth" the child to be more difficult, can't, the overlord toast - do not do also have to do!!!

  By the way, I'm going to pull my mom and dad in. (* ^ __ ^ *) hee hee...

  On page 4 ~ 7

  Although I have a holiday, I still can't relax myself. Besides finishing my winter vacation, I have to make up for my homework in the winter vacation.

  I will pay a visit to my foreign language teacher's second brother every day during the winter vacation to supplement my foreign language. Go to the library every three days and read the extracurricular books. After class knowledge is also to learn. In addition, I have to adjust the previous textbooks, the data are all out to see, the old saying is good, the temperature is known new!

  On page 8 ~ 9

  In winter vacation, I want to learn a skill, I want to swim in the ocean of music. I will polish my perseverance and exercise my patience. Piano, I want to conquer you!

  10 pages

  This page is reserved. In winter vacation, I want to participate in various extracurricular activities, so, during the winter holiday I slowly fill in!

  This is my winter vacation plan, is it rich and colorful? Of course, I will also have a colorful winter vacation!










