Planting Trees的小学英语作文

时间:2021-09-28 12:16:57 英语作文 我要投稿

Planting Trees的小学英语作文

  It was fine on March 12, 2001. I got up early that day. All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees.

Planting Trees的小学英语作文

  We arrived at the hill at eight o'clock. The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees. Then we started digging, planting and watering. We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of time. Among us,Wang Lin, our monitor set a good example for us. Though he was ill, he worked harder. When he finished his task, he went on to help others without even a little rest. He was wet all over after work. "I must learn from him," I said to myself . Looking at the lines of the young trees, we smiled happily, forgetting our tiredness.

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