
时间:2022-08-30 11:37:16 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  It's Important to Learn English

  English is widely used throughout the world.

  So many people speak it as a second language. Online, you'll find lots of information in English. If you don't understand English, how can you know more about the world, how can you get more knowledge. At international conferences, English is also used as the official language. Without good English, you cannot express your ideas well at such conferences, neither can you introduce China to the outside world.

英语作文 篇2


  1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。

  2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。

  3. 词数少于 80和多于 120的,从总分中减去2分。

  4. 评分时,应注意的.主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。

  5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写汉词汇用法均可接受。 6. 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。

  7. 内容要点可用不同方式表达,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。

英语作文 篇3

  When I came toschool this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printingon the ground of school gate. I was afraid it would be demaged if nobody pichedit up. And I stood there for a while seeing no one intended to pick it up. Therefore,I took it to my dormitory. The dictionary is brand new. It has a note in themiddle of the book where I saw a poem----Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again writtenin Chinese on the paper.


  If its owner seesthis, please contact me after the school time or just go to my dormitory. Mynumber is and room number is 612.




  March 11th,20xx


英语作文 篇4

  June 8th

  Dear Haiqing,

  I hear you are very unhappy these days because your parents can’t afford to buy you some brand-name shoes and garments you like very much. And I write you this letter to share with you what I think about this matter.

  To begin with, beauty is just skin deep. Don’t you think it silly to pay so much attention to your appearance? He is a shallow person who judges others by their appearance; in the same sense, he is a shallow person who thinks that a brand-name garment can add to his glamour. So please, just forget about those brand-name things. What really matters is not whether you wear brand-name shoes or garments but whether your clothes fit you. As a student, you have to wear the school uniform on the weekdays and to be honest, you look very smart in it. Then why do you have to bother to buy the expensive brand-name things?

  Secondly, I know your parents are both average workers. Hard as they work, they don’t earn much. Despite this, they do their best to give you a lot of things on demand. Look at the callus on their hands and wrinkles on their faces, how can you have the heart to ask for more than they can afford, which will surely break their hearts? Remember, parents don’t owe us expensive summer camps; they don’t owe us Sony Walkman; nor do they owe us Nike shoes, If you really want those fancy things, you should take a part-time job to contribute to their purchase rather than ask your parents for money to add to their already heavy burden. Don’t you think so?

  Thirdly, we have such a wide variety of things available these days which are both nice and inexpensive. What’s the point of paying much more for those brand-name things that are not much better? My friend, take my advice, and you’ll be a wiser consumer as well as a more considerate child to your parents.

  Poverty, sometimes, is a good thing. It can test a person’s character and it makes a man out of a boy faster than anything else. Keep working hard, and you are bound to be able to afford those things in the near future. Now you may as well focus on your study. Anyway, wouldn’t it be funny for a would-be achiever to be so preoccupied with brand-name things all day long?

  Keep in touch.













英语作文 篇5

  Scores are undoubtedly important for students. So today when I saw the score, 96,on my Chinese test paper, my happiness was beyond words. I believed that mum would also be very happy and perhaps she would reward me.

  As soon as I got home, I raised the test paper before mum and said proudly, "Mum, look at my score!" Out of my expectation,Mum said calmly, "Good, but I hope you can find out the reason why four points were taken away." Hearing the words, I stood in amazement at first. Then I understood Mum’s words and nodded with all my strength.

  Then Iunderstood that the most important thing that we get from examinations is not whether we have got high scores but whether we know what we have grasped and what we haven’t.




英语作文 篇6

  the latest word on this continuing concern comes from the international agency for research on cancer (iarc), which has concluded that working regularly with hair dyes in hair salons and barbershops probably increases the risk of cancer and that long term employment in these establishments is "probably carcinogenic to humans."

  however, the iarc, a world health organization panel, reported that there is not enough evidence to conclude that occasional personal use of hair coloring raises the risk of cancer.this new report, published in the april, , issue of lancet oncology, is the first scientific word on the subject since , when spanish researchers reported that their review of 79 studies from 11 countries yielded no strong evidence of a link between hair dye and cancer risk. the only connection the spanish team observed was the possibility of a slight increase in the risks of leukemia and multiple myeloma, but they concluded that the causal effect was too weak to be a major concern.earlier, researchers at yale university found that long-term use of dark hair dye by women who began coloring their hair before 1980 may increase the risk of non-hodgkins lymphoma. no such risk was seen among women who began dyeing their hair after 1980. here, the difference may be due to the elimination of coal-tar-derived ingredients used in the older products that are known carcinogens. the yale study was published in the jan. 15, , issue of the american journal of epidemiology.

  in general, i discourage use of hair dyes containing artificial coloring agents, which to my mind are as suspect in cosmetic products as they are in food. hair dyes applied to the head are absorbed through the scalp, where theres a very rich blood supply that may carry them throughout the body. im sure that the new iarc report wont be the last word on this subject. ill keep you posted on developments.

英语作文 篇7

  We are the seem with you, even though we come from Zi Yang. Both of us love our hometown deeply.. However, compared with you, we seemingly posses more nativist sentiments(乡土情节)。 Because we listen to the folk songs, sing the tea songs and drink the selenium-rich tea(富硒茶)every day from childhood. From now on, I would also take some teas no matter where I go.

  In the past, our anscestors were creating their own happiness on this land when they were in poor conditions, such as traffic inconvenience, economy undevelopment and information impediment.In recent times, our flagstones are sold to America, Canada and Japan; our teas and drugs have influencing many people’s daily-life; our money orages(金钱橘) have win universal praise, and, this year, Yan Chang Contium(延长集团) has invest 400 billions to our hometown—Shuang Qiao, wich would cause great change to it. The bright future let us love our hometon very much undoubtely. I don’t know what way I should use to introduce our hometown properly to you. I’m afraid of stainning the beaty of it because of my valgurism and superficiality, so that it may give you a bad impression.

  Therefore, I introduce it to you today just through a narrow point of view. I hope that we could share the beaty and the joy of it together.

  And, please see the following video which describe the culture of our hometown objectively and really through a comparative broad view.










