living in a big city英语作文「」

时间:2021-11-20 08:17:13 英语作文 我要投稿

living in a big city英语作文「精选」

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living in a big city英语作文「精选」

  Nowadays, large cities are becoming more and more inhabited. The majority of the population prefer living in a big town mainly because of the great advantages it has compared to living in the countryside. However, what are the benefits of this situation, and what are the drawbacks? In this essay, I will explore the pros and cons of living in a large city and try to draw some conclusions.

  Let’s start looking at the advantages. One of the main positives of a big town is the large amount of shops available in every corner of the city. What I mean by this is that whenever you live, there are some useful stores like supermarkets, banks, tobacconists and clothing stores where you can easily buy everything you need without going to the city center. Secondly, living in a big town is a big challenge for evening parties. In London, for example, there are so many things to do in the evenings like going to the cinema, to the pub or to the park during the summer period.

  Turning to the other side of the argument, traffic could be one of the major disadvantages of living in a big city. Many people take the car everyday and it has also been proved that the majority of the families have at least two cars. This means that you have to deal with rush-hour traffic on your way to work and on your way back. In addition, in a big town there is consequently a lot of smog and this can really affect people’s health.

  To sum up, living in a big city has great advantages but also some significant negatives.You have to weigh up to the pros of enjoying evenings’ nights outside and the availability of many shops and the cons of cope with smog and traffic issues. Personally, I believe that the benefits of enjoying the city-life and the comfort of having shops at every corner, eventually overweigh the negatives.

  Please comment on my essay about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city.

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