
时间:2021-02-24 15:00:11 高中作文 我要投稿




英语高中作文 篇1

  After the college entrance examination, some students would like to have a trip, because they think the blue sky and the charming scenery can make them relax. Some others prefer to stay at home to enjoy the football matches of the World Cup, which they have been longing for. And also there are some students who intend to observe and learn from real life. They consider that they will really step into society after passing the college entrance examination. As for me, I plan to learn a skill such as driving, which I think will be useful in the future.


英语高中作文 篇2

  Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life.

  In the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone. But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone. People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time. What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet, which enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like. With these changes, people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient. It used to take several days to hear from each other, but now it takes only several minutes, even if they are in two different countries.

  In a word, people have an easier life nowadays.

英语高中作文 篇3

  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the entire name of Britain,its capital city is London.It's same as Japan,an island country.British symbol the Daihon(大本钟) is as the Mountain Fuji of Japan.In addition,A small part of British people speak Japanese.So British can also be said as a Japanese Spoken country.Despite the decay after WⅡ,it didn't make Britain discouraged.On the contrary,Britain is deciding to Learn from Japan.


英语高中作文 篇4

  When you need a lot of money, you first thing you do is to borrow money from your friend, while doing this sometimes may do harm to your friendship. First, your friends may not have too much money at hand, he or she maybe suffer from the lack of cash flow at that moment.

  Everyone has their own worries, when you borrow money, they always have to struggle for a while, their hesitations make you begin to doubt your friendship is true or whether your friends treat your as real one.

  Second, most people can’t return the money in time, because they have all kinds of difficulties, this will make your friends in a awkward situation. They are considering whether to ask you return the money, if they do, this will make you embarrassed; If they don’t, they will lack of money. So it is better not to borrow money from your friend.




英语高中作文 篇5



  2. 通过本次实习,在教学工作的过程中向优秀教师学习,认识人民教师的光荣职责,树立和巩固忠诚人民教育事业的思想.



  Xx中学是一所教育局直属初级中学,建于1988年,占地面积58029平方米,建筑面积19366平方米。现有教职工128人,专任教师110名,30个教学班,1667名在校生。学校全面贯彻党的教育方针,以“办人民满意的教育”为目标,以“培养学生可持续发展能力,为学生的明天负责”的办学思想,以“德育为先,能力为重,全面发展”为教育理念,以“合作创新,学有特长,身心两健,全面发展”为育人目标,以“规范、精细、品位”为工作方针,追求卓越,争创名校。坚持以人为本,加强队伍建设,强化教学管理与研究,不断提高教学质量,实现了中考“二十一连冠”。学校以优异的成绩,在清苑育苑独树一帜,多次受到省市县领导的表扬与肯定。曾获得 “保定市示范性初中”、“保定市名校”、“河北省安全文明校园”、“河北省绿色学校”、“河北省双语教学实验校”、 “河北省体育传统项目学校”、“河北省依法治校示范校”、“ 河北省校务公开示范校”、“河北省网络教育模式与绩效实验研究实验学校”、“河北省现代教育技术示范校”等荣誉称号。













  我一共进行了两次试讲,每次大约20分钟。第一次试讲讲的是课本内容,,另一次使讲解课后作业。3月22日,我在初一六班进行了一次试讲。上课内容是Starter Unit4:what’s this in English?由于第一次上课没有太多经验,我在教学风格上部分模仿了我的指导老师,此外也添加一些自己的内容。比如,为了吸引学生的兴趣,我将简笔画与口语练习相结合,并以此复习学生们已经学过的单词。我的第一次试讲取得了较好的效果,指导老师也给予了肯定。当然,还是存在一些不足,比如,由于紧张,我犯了一个口头错误,在让学生做练习的时候少加了一句重要的句型。在课堂后,我在教室后面检查板书,发现板书格式不太规范。在与指导老师以及其他几位听课老师交流后,我将自己的优缺点都记下,为下次讲课做改进。

英语高中作文 篇6

  It can be noticed that there are some unhealthy living habits among young people, especially college students. Typical examples include staying up late, being addicted to games, consuming in an inappropriate way. Thus, due attention should be paid to students daily habits.

  Apparently, these bad habits may generate negative impacts. To begin with, they may impair students physical health and psychological fitness. In addition, what worries many teachers is that they may also exert negative influences on students academic performance. To conclude, never can we turn a blind eye to these phenomena.

  In view of the seriousness of this issue, it is time that we took effective measure. Firstly, it is suggested that universities or colleges should cultivate students awareness of healthy living. Secondly, students themselves are well-advised to learn to regulate and control their own life appropriately. Only by doing so, can we hope to see the ideal scenes in which students enjoy their colorful and healthy life in Ivory Tower.

英语高中作文 篇7

  Of the hometown in Dongfeng County, although it is no big city so busy and beautiful, there is no big city high-rise buildings. But I love it, because I love this piece of land, but also love the hard-working people here.

  We Dongfeng is "the hometown of Chinese deer", but also "farmers painting village". Sika deer is a national level to protect animals, it has a high economic value. It is full of treasure, it's velvet. antlers. Deer blood venison. Deer skin. Deer bone has a high medicinal value. Our peasant paintings have been awarded the first, second and third prizes on various exhibitions.

  We also have a beautiful natural park - South Mountain Park. Here the scenery is beautiful. The air is fresh and many people like to play here. Under the mountain there is a beautiful cultural square, every summer, people will come here, listening to elegant music, watching the beautiful water, dancing cheerful dance. So that this beautiful south of the mountain to become more prosperous and lively.

  I love my hometown, I love home people, I love this piece of land.





英语高中作文 篇8

  Recently, a famous case was closed. The case was about a screenwriter plagiarizing another writer’s novel. The public kept their eyes on this case, most people believed that the screenwriter indeed plagiarized someone’s work, because the story he wrote had some much similarity with another writer’s play. The screenwriter denied that he had copied other writer’s work.

  What he said made the writer very angry, the writer charged the screenwriter.

  Now the result came out, the writer won the case and the screenwriter had to apologize. Plagiarizing someone’s work is a serious crime, it is not respectful to others and steal people’s work. Such behavior should be condemned strongly.


英语高中作文 篇9

  August 15 is the traditional Mid-Autumn festival in China. There are many theories about the origin of the Mid-Autumn festival. The most notable is the Mid-Autumn festival and our favorite Spring Festival, the qingming festival and the Dragon Boat Festival and is called the four traditional festivals of the han nationality in China.

  Every year during the Mid-Autumn festival, my parents and I will go to grandma's house to spend the Mid-Autumn festival with her. Although I can't go out on the Mid-Autumn day, but my grandma is too lonely at home, so every time I would like to accompany my grandmother. Before we went, we bought some grandma's food and two boxes of mooncakes.

  There are many people who buy mooncakes, and all kinds of people are busy selecting mooncakes. The moon cakes are in various forms, and there are many different shapes and shapes.

  To grandma's home, grandma is very happy, to greet us immediately, we all said to grandma, "happy Mid-Autumn festival!" It is. Grandma bring out already prepared delicious dumpling stuffing, start with noodles, rolling surface, the mother is responsible for package, dad and I didn't work, but I'm really very lively, all in a reunion atmosphere spent a happy Mid-Autumn festival...

  We are together after dinner just dark down, I'll take out my telescope to like "white jade bowl the moon looked up, I saw a lot of black shadow on the moon, just like wu gang cut the legend of greening in fairy tales!

  I picked up a piece of moon cake eat it, I found the white lotus double yellow in the moon cake stuffing is very delicious, I was reminded of a myth and legend, legend has it the ancient times, the goddess of the moon when the descent between day and countless moon cakes, and was on the day of the lunar calendar in August 15, so he has the habit of August 15 Mid-Autumn festival to eat moon cakes.








