I really like turkey我非常喜欢吃火鸡

时间:2023-05-04 20:29:13 体育口语 我要投稿
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I really like turkey我非常喜欢吃火鸡

  I really like turkey.


  A: What shall we order? What would you like to eat?

  A: 我们点什么?你想吃什么?

  B: Well, I really like turkey.

  B: 哦,我非常喜欢吃火鸡。

  A: OK, we will definitely order turkey. They have great turkey here.

  A: 好的,我们一定要点火鸡。他们这里的火鸡非常棒。

  B: Good. What else should we order?

  B: 好啊。我们还应该点什么?

  A: Oh, lots of things! We'll order some vegetables, noodles and soup.

  A: 噢,很多很多!我们还要点蔬菜、还有面条和汤。

  B: Great. I'm hungry so I could eat a lot.

  B: 好极了!我饿了,能吃很多东西。



  1. Remember the various ways you can use the verb order / order in a restaurant conversation, e.g. What shall we order? / We can order turkey/ We'll order some vegetable.

  记住,在餐馆点餐时用动词order /点菜的各种方法,例如:What shall we order?/ 我们点什么?We can order turkey/ 我们可以点火鸡; We'll order some vegetable/我们要点一些蔬菜。

  2. In general you can talk about different kinds of dishes like meat/vegetables/ fish. However, if you want to be specific you can name the particular meat or vegetable, e.g. pork/beef/ bamboo shoots/ greens.

  通常你可以这样来谈论不同的菜肴,像meat /肉; vegetables / 蔬菜;fish / 鱼。但是,如果你想说得更具体一些,你可以指出肉或者蔬菜的名字,例如:pork / 猪肉; beef /牛肉;bamboo shoots / 竹笋; greens /绿叶蔬菜。


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