
新时期档案的管理现状及对策探析 - 毕业论文

时间:2021-10-31 17:13:35 语文论文 我要投稿

新时期档案的管理现状及对策探析 - 毕业论文

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新时期档案的管理现状及对策探析 - 毕业论文





 The thesis proposed effective file management measures through the investigations about China file management in the present situation and the research about the file management work which faces to the difficulties and the problems. This article has mainly outlined the existing file management research to the current file management cycle and summarized the questions in current file management work through inspection of China file management work in the present situation. Finally by putting the predecessors research experience it makes suggestions of five countermeasures  effectively to carry on the file management.     Key words: New time; file; file management; present situation; countermeasures