
Toronto isnt as big as Beijing, is i

时间:2022-02-06 18:44:21 体育口语 我要投稿

Toronto isnt as big as Beijing, is it?多伦多没有北京大

  Toronto isn't as big as Beijing, is it?


  A: You know, back home in Canada, in Toronto, we also have bad traffic jams.

  A: 你知道,在我的家乡,加拿大的多伦多,也有交通堵塞问题。

  B: I suppose every big city has them.

  B: 我想每个大城市都有这样的问题。

  A: Yes, probably. The only difference is the extent of the traffic jams and the size of the city.

  A: 是的,很可能是这样。唯一的区别是交通堵塞的程度和城市的大小。

  B: Toronto isn't as big as Beijing, is it?

  B: 多伦多不像北京那么大,是吗?

  A: No, it's smaller. But the traffic jams still make me crazy.

  A: 是的,它比较小。但是交通堵塞的情况仍然让我心烦。

  B: Yeah – like you said, it's the same everywhere. Beijing, Toronto, traffic jams everywhere!

  B: 是啊——像你说的那样,到处都一样。北京、多伦多,到处都有交通堵塞。



  1. Remember the comparative adjective form: Toronto is smaller than Beijing. / Toronto is smaller than Beijing. 记住形容词的比较级形式:Toronto is smaller than Beijing. /多伦多比北京小。

  2. You can talk about traffic jams and traffic problems in many ways: Traffic jams are bad/ Traffic jams make me crazy. 你可以用不同的方法谈论交通堵塞情况和交通问题:Traffic jams are bad. / 交通堵塞很严重; Traffic jams make me crazy. / 交通堵塞让我心烦。
