

时间:2022-02-06 19:33:45 体育英语 我要投稿


圣安东尼奥马刺队20号 阿根廷“妖人” 

伊曼纽尔-吉诺比利 Emanuel Ginobili  


Position: G                位置:后卫

Born: Jul 28, 1977   生日:07/28/1977

Height: 1,98M           高度:1.98M

Weight: 93,0 kg.       体重:93.0kg

From : Argentina      国籍:阿根廷 

Career Highlights

● Finished fourth in voting for the 2002-03 NBA Rookie of the Year Award, Voted to the 2002-03 NBA All-Rookie Second Team, Named the Western Conference Rookie of the Month for games played in March, 2003. 在02-03赛季年度新秀评选中名列第四,被选入02-03赛季第二新秀阵容,当选2003年3月西部最佳新秀。 

● Named 2001 Euroleague Finals MVP 评为2001年欧洲联盟决赛最优秀选手

● Named the Italian League MVP in both 2000-01 and 2001-02. 2000-01年度和2001-02年度都被评为意大利联盟优秀选手

● Named to the All-Tournament Team at the 2002 World Championships leading Argentina to a silver medal. 选入全联赛队,率领阿根廷夺得2002年世界杯银牌

● led Argentinia to 2004 Olympic champion in Athens, Named the MVP. 2004年雅典奥运会作为队长率领阿根廷队夺得奥运金牌,被评为2004雅典奥运男篮MVP。