Unit 2 Goldilocks rushed out of the

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Unit 2 Goldilocks rushed out of the house教案

Module 9  Story time Unit 2  Goldilocks rushed out of the house   教材分析:本模块以童话故事为题材,内容和情节都很符合这一年龄段学生的兴趣,而且语言简单易懂,描写细致生动,使学生在使用语言(读故事)的过程中学习语言。在本模块的教学过程中,教师应始终利用童话故事的情节吸引学生,利用故事中的内容展开听、说、读、写的.训练。利用故事中的语境帮助学生理解英语中过去时的意义。在此基础上归纳语法规则,还可以通过此模块的教学鼓励学生多读些简写的英文童话故事。 一、教学目标 1、知识目标: 掌握  ①规则动词过去式的发音 ②词汇:asleep, cry , destroy , eye , jump , point , return , unhappy   2、能力目标:能用一些规则动词的过去式描述过去的事情   能读懂简单的故事,明白其中的主要人物、事件以及情节的先后顺序。 3、情感目标:培养学生想象力。 二.教学重点、难点: 重点:是通过童话故事训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,同时让学生了解在英语上叙述过去的事情要用动词的过去式。 难点:是掌握动词过去式的形式和逐步形成正确使用一般过去时的意识。 三.、教学流程 环节一 Warming-up T: ①Let the students tell the story of Unit1 in groups, tell the story one by one .(给学生3分钟准备时间) S1: ①Tell the story of Unit1 like this:(选出2-4组进行比赛)   On ce upon a time , there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She lived near a big forest . One day , she decided…… 环节二In put 1. T:Let the students work in pairs , say what happened next in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. S: work in pairs and talk about the end of the story like this : I think …… T: Play the video of the story and play the recording .(播放故事视频) S: The students watch the cartoon and listen to the tape. 2. T: Ask the students to read the story .    S: Read the story , check the answer with a partner . The answer: Sentence---Picture c . Sentence 2 ---Picture b  Sentence 3 ----- Picture d   Sentence 4 ----- Picture a   Sentence 5 ----- Picture e 3. T: Let the students read again and do ?Activity 4 . Then collect the answer from the class. S: Read the sentences then say if they are true of false. The answer : 1:  F  2. F 3.  F  4.  T 5.  F 6.  T 环节三:  Practice T:① Play the recording of Activity 2 , and let the students read the story for 5 minutes . Then let the students fill in the blanks . A: Read the story for 5 minutes . Then fill in the blanks : First , Goldilocks ______ to sit down because she was tired . The two big chairs ____ uncomfortable . She ________ like them , so she ______ the smallest chair . It was nice , but Goldilocks was very heavy and she ______ it . She ____ unhappy and tired . She _____ into the bedroom . There _____ three beds . She ________ like the two big beds . The smallest bed ____ very comfortable . Very soon she _____ asleep in it . The three Bears ______ . They ____ at the bowls and the chairs . Baby Bear _____ . “There is onthing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!” He was very unhappy ! _______, the Bears _____ in their bedroom . They ____  ____ Goldilocks at first . _______, Baby Bear _____ at the little girl in his bed . and cried . “Look! There’s the naughty girl!” ________ , Goldilocks ____ her eyes . The three Bears _______ around her . so Goldilocks ____ out of bed and ____ out of the house without her basket . She ____ _____ to the forest again . 环节四  Out put 1.T: Let the students read the sentences and pay attention to the words: “first , next , then , finally” Then let the students say the story : “Jingwei decides to fill in the sea”in group . S: Talk about the story with: “first , nest , then , finally ”. The show the whole class the sentences . 2: S: Number the sentences of Activity 6 in the correct order . Then write the sentences with “first , next , then , finally ” eg : First , she looked around her . Next , she ….. 3. T:Play the videl of the story : Goldilocks and the Three Bears again . And let the studnets tell the story . S: Retell the story according to the video , then write the story by themselves . At last , exchange and check the story in pairs . 环节五  Feedback(见下面) 环节六  Summary 小组总结:故事描述的过程中语言、动词的过去式,表示先后次序的词。 教师给予适当补充。 (一)  英汉词组互译 1. rush out of the house ___________  2. look into _______________ 3. two big chairs______  4 . (be) in pieces _________5. at first _________ 6. jump out of ___________ 7. 待在家里 ______________ 8. 走进 _______ 9 。 坐下________ 10. 指向 _______11.睁开眼_______  12. 返回 __________ (二)  根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成单词 (  )1.Let’s play a game , don’t ______ your eyes . A. colsed  B . open  C . turn on  D. turn off (  )2. I think Goldilocks decided _________. A .go to home  B . going to home C. to go to home D . to go home ( )3. She was ill , ____ she stayed in the house. A. can  B . may  C .  must  D . perhaps ( )4. First , next , then, _______. A . last B . final  C . finally  D. end ( )5. When he heard the bad news , he was _________. A. tired  B . happy  C .unhappy  D . asleep ( )6. The box is very light , there is ______ in it . A. something  B . anything  C . nothing D . thing ( )7. She _________ like the two big beds . A. don’t  B . isn’t C . didn’t  D . wasn’t  ( )8. Baby Bear pointed _______ Goldilocks ---she was asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. A. at B . in C . for D. of ( )9. The baby _____ because he was hungry. A. asleep  B . cried C . small D . big ( )10. Each of us has _____ eyes. A. one  B . two  C . three 三. 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. I saw someone rush o______ of the house. 2. Please sit d________ and do your homework. 3. I’m very t________ , let’s have a rest . 4. Hongxing Cinema has c _________ seats. 5. When she saw this , she was very _____________(不高兴)。 6. I can’t do the homework ___________(没有)your help. 7. That man was heavy and he __________(毁坏)the chair. 8. When he ________(返回)home , it was very late. 9. Baby Bear _________(哭,喊叫)because there was nothing in his bowl. 10. Baby Bear ________________(指)at Goldilocks ------she was asleep in Baby Bear’s bed .

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