
时间:2021-12-16 20:11:39 教案 我要投稿


3. The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is _____ in her appearance but rude in her speech. A.elaborate B.excessive C.elegant D.exaggerated 4. While fashion is thought of usually _____ clothing, it is important to realize that it covers a much wider domain. A.in relation to B.in proportion to C.by means of D.on behalf of 9. Julie is one of those women who always _____ the latest fashions. A.look after B.keep up with C.run for D.go in for 破洞 污点 外发厂 出货 工厂 围巾 手套 拉链 客户 流行 broken hole 破洞 broken English 蹩脚的英语 There is sure to be a fuss 一定会有一番斥责 sweated blood 十分着急 for a while 有那么一会儿 a hole in my sock 我的袜子上有个洞 having lost my money 丢了钱 puts me in rather a hole 使我陷于困境 in rather a hole 陷于困境 dirty spot 污点 repairing cars 修汽车 a dirty job 一个脏活 dirty work 一个脏活 telling dirty stories 讲下流故事 tell dirty stories 讲下流故事 Did you feel。。。? 你感觉到了吗? a few spots of rain 几滴雨 a few drops of rain 几滴雨 our favorite holiday spot 我们喜欢的度假地点 on the spot 现场 Luckily there was a 幸运的是有一位 enters into a subcontract 签订分包合同 the primary contractor 主要承包商 a building contractor 承建商 the contractor on the new motorway 这条新公路的承包商 have give me a free hand in deciding 给了我自主权,让我决定 decide which outside contractor to use 决定用哪家承包商 A signed invoice 经过签字的.发票 presumes receipt of the shipment 表示货物已经收到 reached an agreement with him 同他达成协议 in regard to the shipment 就装运问题 in regard to 就。。。问题 get a job 找到一份工作 in a textile factory 在一家纺织厂 locate its new factory beside the river 把新工厂设在河边 wished to do something 希望做某事 the long scarf 那条长围巾 round her head 围在头上 around her neck 围在脖子上 a woolen scarf 一条羊毛围巾 over her shoulders 披在肩上 wore a woolen scarf 戴了一条羊毛围巾 getting cool 变冷了 get cool 变冷了 have to 不得不 take out 拿出来 woolen gloves 毛线手套 fits (me) like a glove 非常合身 locking together 扣在一起 toothed edges 带齿的边缘 by means of 借助于 a sliding tab 一个滑动的拉环 with a zipper 用一个拉链 asked me to do something 要我 see the customer to the door 送顾客到门口 go to law 诉诸法律 for the bad service 为此恶劣服务 come into fashion 流行起来 are still in fashion 还很时髦 have changed a lot 很不一样了 help to do something 有助于 fashion our childrens characters 塑造我们的孩子们的性格              










德国独资斯都时装(上海)有限公司员工英语培训教案 503-09