《Unit6 On a farm》教案及教后反思

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《Unit6 On a farm》教案及教后反思

《Unit6 On a farm》教案及教后反思 开发区国际学校:陈群 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说单词:a dog ,a cat,a pig,a duck 2、能熟练使用句型:What’s this?It’s… 教学重、难点:能听懂、会说单词:a dog ,a cat,a pig,a duck 教学准备:课件、头饰 教学过程: Step1.Free talk Step2.Leading in and presentation 1. T:Today, there’s a friend come to our class.Can you guess who he is? 2. (Show Xiyangyang in the screen)Let the students greet to him. 3. T:Today ,Xiyangyang will go to a farm.Do you want to go with him? 4. Listen to the sound of four animals and learn the animal words. e.g.Learn “a dog” (1)Listen to the sound.T:What’s this?Let the sthdents guess. (2)Show the picture and the word:a dog (3)Read and act in different ways. (4)Let the students who wear dog masks introduce themselves. Step3.Practise. 1. Read the words. 2. Ask and answer.”What’s this?It’s…” 3. Play a guessing game. Show a part of an animal.Let the students guess what animal it is. 4. Ask and answer in groups of four (1):There are many animals on a farm,and there are many animals in our class. The teater and three students give a model. T: Hi/Hello!/Good morning! S: Hi/Hello! /Good morning! T: What’s this? S: It’s… (2)The students sk and answer in groups of four. (3)Ask two groups to ask and answer in front of the class. Step4.Sum up and the class 1. T:Today Xiyangyang takes us to a farm.On a farm,we have known four animals,What are they? 2. T:It’s late.Xiyangyang wants to go home.Let’s say goodbye to Xinyangyang.   教后反思: 本课是第六单元的第二课时,教学目标是1、能听懂、会说单词:a dog ,a cat,a pig,a duck  2、能熟练使用句型:What’s this?It’s…根据英语教学和一年级学生的特点,本课教学体现了以下4个教学理念: 1、  利用情境,学习新知 英语课程提倡在具体的情境中来呈现和学习新知。因此,整节课创设了一个大的情景,即喜羊羊来我们班,并带大家去农场,在农场里学习动物单词,最后喜羊羊要离开,大家和它再见,结束本课。 2、  利用多种感官,参与学习 一年级学生年龄小,好动,有意注意时间短,要想让他们全身心投入到课堂教学中,必须要调动他们的多种感官参与教学活动。课堂上让学生用耳听一听,用嘴说一说, 用手做一做,学生兴趣浓,参与积极性高。 3、  利用游戏,练习巩固 弗洛伊德曾经说过:每个游戏中的孩子都是艺术家。在一年级英语课堂教学的练习巩固阶段,教师经常一般会设置一些游戏活动,吸引学生兴趣、调动学生的积极性。本课运用了看动物图片的一部分,来猜是什么动物的游戏,学生参与的热情很高。 4、  利用会话,联系生活 语言的.实质是交际,交际的环境是生活,正如叶圣陶所说:只有来自于生活的语言,才是自己的语言。课堂中让学生4人小组合作,两名学生扮演动物,另外两名学生对话,把所学的知识运用到仿真的生活情境中。      

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