
时间:2021-12-16 09:42:08 教案 我要投稿


Teaching Design Teaching aims 1.语言知识目标: (1)The words:Mrs. Teacher , student .  (2) The sentences: Who’s that ? ---That’s ---. Are you students here?---Yes./No. 2.语言技能目标:能用简单的问答确认陌生人的身份。 3.情感态度目标:教师应在教学中,不断激发并强化学生的学习兴趣,使他们树立自信心,乐于与他人合作,养成和谐和健康向上的品格。 Impoint and difficult points: 能用简单的问答确认陌生人的身份。 Teaching aids:computer Teaching time:20 minutes Teaching Steps: Step One:Greeting.(用自然教学法通过自由谈话逐步导入。) T:Hello ,girls and boys. Ss: Hello,_________ (根据学生的认知水平随机教学:teacher或者Mrs. Ma) Step Two:Presentation 1.(出示幻灯片)Ask and answer: “Who’s that?”—“That’s...” And Know Mrs.Smith.(最后一个出现史密斯夫人) 2.Introduce Mrs.Smith.“She’s a teacher.” 3.Learn “teacher”. 4.Work in pairs:“Are you a teacher?”“No,I’m not.”“Is she/he a teacher?”“No,she/he is not.” (所谓词不离句。把新单词放在句子中理解运用。符合低年级小学生的认知水平。) 5.T:Are you a student? Help the student answer:Yes ,I am. 6.Learn “student”. 7.Work in goups:“Are you a student?”“Is she/he a student?”“Yes,she/he is.” (创设情境进行语言交流做到学用结合。) 8.Ask a student:“Are you a student here?”Then ask the other students: “Are you students here?”Help the students answer:“Yes,We are.” Step Three:listening 1.Look, listen and answer the questions:(根据任务型教学途径 ,让学生带着问题听录音。在任务的驱使下,使学生的注意力会更集中,产生学习的`动力。) (1).What the teacher’s name? (2).Are Jess and ken students here? 2.Listen and repeat. 3.Try to repeat the dialog without the books. Step Four:Try to act out the dialog. Step Five:Practice.( Guessing game.) “Who’s that?” --“That’s a teacher / student.” (出示图片请同学猜一猜是学生还是老师,猜对的同学发奖品。通过这个猜的游戏,继续保持学生学习的兴趣来对新词、新句子进行练习巩固。)









