三年级第二周第二课时教案 3月3日 星期四

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三年级第二周第二课时教案 3月3日 星期四

Lesson 4 教学目标: 知识目标; 1.复习句型Where are you from? This is my friend…. 2.巩固、操练两个句型,并鼓励学生在真实情景中会话。 3.了解妇女节的知识,并在这一天为妈妈做一件事。 4.story time的表演。 过程与方法:教师提问,合作交流相结合。 情感态度:培养学生尊重女性,合作交流的'习惯。 教学重点:巩固句型Where are you from? 教学难点:from的发音,及本单元重点句型在真实情景中的表演。 教具准备:课件 教学过程: 一.Warm-up. 1.Everyday exercise. 2.Listening the Tel. Number. 3.Review the chant, letters and the words. 4.Draw a clock on the blackboard and review the sentence of “Good morning.” 二.Presentation. 1.Make a dialogue with students. 1) I have some paper here. And there is name, number and the name of the country on it. The number stands for the age, the name and the name of the country as well. That’s all your imformations. When I call you up, then I will ask you some question. Please 2) The imformation of the card is your friend’s. Trying to introduce him/her to me. Use “This is my friend….” 2.Teach the sentence “Where are you from?” 3.Ask and answer in pairs. 三.Listen and say. 1)Listen and catch the main idea. 2)Read the context. 四.Culture.  Happy Women’s Day 五、story time Read this story Replay this story 五.Assessment. Activity book 

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