
毕业论文-王安忆《长恨歌》的悲剧意蕴和语言特色 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-王安忆《长恨歌》的悲剧意蕴和语言特色 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-王安忆《长恨歌》的悲剧意蕴和语言特色 - 语言文学论文




 As a sorrow song of feminine literature in 1990s , Song of Eternal Sorrow which is written by Wang Anyi behaves strong tragedy significance. The work displays a city through a woman and demonstrates the city’ and womans tragedy, the human nature and the human sentiment tragedy, also it seeks independent helpless which the person to be unable in front of the destiny and the pitiful benefit relations between people. The narration language and the poem language are the language characteristic of Song of Eternal Sorrow, as a observer, the author who has narration posture and classical poetry model deepens tragedy significance of the work.     Key words: Wang Anyi; Song of Eternal Sorrow; tragedy significance;

language characteristic