

时间:2021-12-08 18:58:15 天文地理论文 我要投稿


Coastline configuration indexes of 34 typical arc-shaped coasts in South China are investigated by the method of principal component analysis, and meanwhile deposition and geomorphologic features of arc-shaped coast are also analyzed. The results show: (1) The configuration of arc-shaped coast in South China is of the characteristic of variability and complexity. (2) The wave power and the openings of the bay are the decisive factors to result in the changes of the configuration of the arc-shaped coast in South China, however, incidence direction of the wave has no effect on configuration development of the coast. (3) Commonly, geomorphologic modes of the arc-shaped coast system in South China consist of barriers, lagoons and tidal-inlets, and can be divided into four types:the openings of the bay leaning to the east, the openings of the bay leaning to the south, the openings of the bay leaning to the west and the openings of the bay leaning to the north.

作 者: 戴志军 李春初 DAI Zhijun LI Chunchu   作者单位: 戴志军,DAI Zhijun(Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research,Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510275,China;State Key Lab of Estuarine & Coastal Sediment Dynamic and Morphodynamics,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China)

李春初,LI Chunchu(Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research,Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510275,China) 

刊 名: 地理学报(英文版)  ISTIC SCI 英文刊名: JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES  年,卷(期): 2004 14(4)  分类号: P9  关键词: coastline configuration   geomorphologic mode   arc-shaped coast   South China   principal component analysis