
Modal verbs and adverbs and with Con

时间:2021-12-08 10:20:09 文学艺术论文 我要投稿

Modal verbs and adverbs and with Continuous

Through English and Chinese Modals with adverbs.Centinuous modal verbs such as a comparatire analysis between the two languages inspection Modals different grammatleal function comparison.

作 者: 刘于   作者单位: 西北民族大学榆中校区外国语学院,甘肃,榆中,730024  刊 名: 希望月报(上半月)  英文刊名: HOPE MONTHLY  年,卷(期): 2008 ""(2)  分类号:   关键词: modal verb   adverb   Continuous   match