
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】


  A: Thank you. l'm very glad to be here. As Ms. Tina said. the purpose of my presentation today is to familiarize you with the new EBP. As you probably know. EBP stands for Electronic Book Player. Our company put the original EBP on the market a year ago.but we have since all developed an improved model which we believe will be a big seller in both China and the U. S.

  A:谢谢,我很高兴能在这儿演讲。正如蒂娜女士所说,今天我讲演的目的就是向大家介绍新的电子书。我想大家可能已经知道,EBP就是Electronic Book Player(电子书)的缩写。 一年以前我们推出EBP到市场上。之后我们公司又继续研发出一款改良型产品,我们相信在中国和美国都会非常畅销。

  B: Ms. Yang.can you tell us in what ways the new EBP is better tIhan the old model?


  A: Certainly. First of all.the old model had a rather small screen.so not much information could appear at one time. So on the new model.we have made the screen much bigger and


  B : Excuse me.but what are the EBPs mainly used for:


  A: Oh.there are many uses. and I‘ll explain them in detail a little later. First . I'd like to...


  B : Before you go on. Ms Yang could you tell us if the original EBP sold well in the U. S. '?


  A:You were right. Mr. Tim. Your colleagues do want about it.
