
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】

  Amid current financial crisis, job opportunities are slimming down, but one man in U.S. is determined to beat the odds by trying 50 jobs in 50 states. The 26-year-old Daniel Seddiqui is trying a different job in different state every week. His motto is “live by the map” until he discovers just the right career. Until now, he’s been a lumberjack in Oregon, a medical equipment manufacturer in Minnesota, a hydrologist in Colorado, a farmer in Nebraska, to name just a few.


  After graduating with an economics degree from the University of Southern California in 2005, he has sent out 40 job applications for positions in finance, but interview after interview, he didn’t get a single offer. “I got rejected 40-plus times and I was frustrated,” Daniel said. After that, he decided to beef up his resume by experiencing different jobs: He would work 50 different jobs in 50 states in 50 weeks, driving cross-country. After exploring numerous career options, Daniel opened up so many opportunities. Ten of his first 12 employers were so happy with him that they offered him a full-time job. He’s also seen sights that have made the journey worthwhile. “Opportunity is out there. Sometimes you just have to look for it.” Daniel added.

  2005年毕业于南加利福尼亚大学,获得经济学学位后,丹尼尔寄出了四十多封求职信,以期获得一些金融方面的职位,然后面试了一次又一次,却连一份工作也未找到。丹尼尔说:“被拒绝过四十多次,我觉得失望透顶。”于是,他决定用丰富的工作经历来充实自己的简历 :即在50周的时间里,驾车游历全国50个州,尝试50份不同的工作。经历了多次尝试之后,丹尼尔已经获得了许多工作机会。最开始的12位“前老板”中,有十位和他相处甚为愉快,都表示愿意给他提供全职工作。而且他也看到不少名胜古迹,这让旅行更有价值。他补充道:“机会就在前方,有时,你要做的只是找到它。”
