
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】

  lesson 课文

  safety first 安全第一

  1) check your fire detectors once a month. make sure the batteries are good and the sound is loud enough for everyone in the building to hear.

  2) try your fire extinguishers once every two months to make sure they work.

  3) ask your office manager to have the sprinklers checked every three months.

  4) practice an escape route with all of the employees. this is also called an "evacuation route."

  4) always remember that it is better to be safe than sorry.

  5) don't smoke in the office, as many fires are started by poorly placed cigarettes.

  1) 每个月检查一下自己的火灾探测器,保证所有的电池都有充足的电量,警报铃的铃声可以让办公楼里的每一个人都听到。

  2) 每两个月试试自己的灭火器确保其工作正常。

  3) 让你的办公室的负责人每三个月检查一次屋顶撒水灭火器是否能正常工作。

  4) 让所有的员工都参加一次灾难逃生训练。这种训练也可以称为“疏散训练 ”。

  5) 永远记住确保安全比事后后悔好。

  6) 不要在办公室内吸烟,因为很多火灾都是因为烟头放置不当而导致的。

  dialogue 对话

  guard gordon: hi, i am gordon from security. i am here to make sure you are all as safe as possible.

  beth : thanks. i agree it is better to be safe than sorry.

  gordon: have you checked your extinguishers and fire detectors this month?

  beth : yes sir, we check them once a month.

  gordon: great. have you practiced an evacuation plan?

  beth : what is an evacuation plan?

  gordon: that is a plan for everyone to walk quickly out of the building in case of an emergency.

  beth : i will talk to the boss about making an evacuation plan.

  gordon: just remember, don't smoke inside, and always think safety first.

  beth : yes, safety first.









