
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】

  1.His parents were simple people.


  重点词语:simple adj.简单的,无经验的;朴实的,朴素的

  商务用语:simple arbitrage 单一仲裁

  simple commodity economy 单纯商品经济

  simple contract 简单合同

  2.He was sincere in his wish to help us.


  重点词语:sincere adj.真诚的

  商务用语:It is my sincere belief that... 我确信…

  3.They sat on appropriation plans until they were certain which way winds were blowing.


  重点词语:sit vi.重压;压制;拖延 vt.提供座位

  商务用语:a theater that sits 1,000 people 能容纳一千人的剧场

  sat on the evidence 扣压证据

  4.The house has a fine situation.


  重点词语:situation n.情形,(建筑物等的)位置

  商务用语:be in/out of a situation 有/失去职业

  cope/do with the situation 应付当前的情况

  save the situation 挽回局势

  5.He has great skill in drawing.


  重点词语:skill n. 技能,技巧,技术;熟练工人

  商务用语:diplomatic skill 外交手腕

  skill analysis training 技能分析训练

  skilled employee 熟练工人

  exert one‘s utmost skill 运用最大技巧
