
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】

  15. Always know the one thing you really need to get done during the day.

  15. 清楚你当天必做的一件事情。

  Determine which task in front of you is most important, and focus your energy on getting that done as soon as possible.


  16. Learn to make use of other people.

  16. 学会让别人帮你做事。

  To be truly efficient, get over the fear of handing off work to someone else.


  17. Turn the page on yesterday. Only ever think about today and tomorrow.

  17. 翻过昨天,只想今天和明天。

  Don't distract yourself with either the successes or failures of the past. Focus instead on what's in front of you.


  18. Set deadlines for everything.

  18. 为每件事都设一个最后期限。

  Spending too much time on a project or keeping it on the backburner for too long will lead to stagnation. Get things done and move on.


  19. Always take notes.


  Don't assume you'll remember every good idea that comes into your head during the day. It doesn't matter if it's a notebook, whiteboard, or an app like Evernote--just write stuff down.


  20. Write down any unrelated thoughts that pop up when you're in the zone, so that they don't linger as distractions.

  20. 工作的时候记下任何突然出现在脑子里的想法,这样它们就不会停在脑子里让你分心了。

  You'll get them out of the way without losing them.

