
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】

  'I may go to Pilates at 3 p.m. and don't want you to think I'm a crappy CEO because of that,' Mr. Zwelling says he told the group. 'You're buying into someone who has a track record of success,' he says he assured them. Success, he adds, comes from 'not overwhelming myself with everyday tasks.'


  Mr. Zwelling says he prefers hiring employees who have serious hobbies outside of work. It makes them more effective on the job, he says, because they want to have time left over for their other interests. He also leads by example, he says, explaining to each new hire that he works hard while at the office, which means not wasting time on social media or surfing the Web.


  At office-furniture-maker Steelcase Inc., Donna Flynn, director of workspace futures, works at her own pace and lets her staff of behavioral researchers do the same. 'There are a lot of benefits to walking away from a problem you are fixated on solving and letting your subconscious do its work underneath the surface,' says Ms. Flynn, whose office is on her 20-acre ranch in Nederland, Colo., while the company's headquarters are in Grand Rapids, Mich.

  办公家具生产商Steelcase Inc.的研究团队“未来办公空间”(WorkSpace Futures)的主管唐娜弗林(Donna Flynn)按照自己的步调工作,而且也让她那些做行为研究的下属这样做。弗林说:“暂时抛开你苦苦寻找解决办法的那个问题、让你的潜意识在下面工作,这样做有很多的益处。”她的办公室位于她在科罗拉多州尼德兰(Nederland)占地20英亩的农场里,而公司总部设在密歇根州的大急流城(Grand Rapids)。

  Ms. Flynn's team is based all over the world. Rather than scheduling video conferences and calls to stay in daily contact, the researchers work on long-term projects on their own time and meet in person only two weeks a year.


  Not keeping in constant contact, Ms. Flynn says, allows everyone to work more effectively. 'It's about having higher-quality work time, because you spend more time nourishing your well-being,' she says.


  To be sure, not every personality is cut out for the kinds of behavioral adjustment that doing less on a daily basis can require. According to Dr. Murnighan, many executives feel the need to keep up appearances and find it tough to fight the natural inclination to stay busy.


  'A lot of people are Type A,' he says. 'Our ancestors wouldn't have survived if they weren't proactive.'

