
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】



  3.What Hillhouse looks for in entrepreneurs and people?(Hillhouse寻找什么样的创业家)

  Lei finds the most impressive people are the people who have deep passion and execute that passion with discipline, instead of people who exhibit habitual behavior. Specifically Lei looks for four qualities:


  Intellectual curiosity - driver of passion

  Have seen really smart people who are No. 1 in whatever they do, but in the end do not necessarily have the capacity to realize their full potential. The reason is that they are No. 1 not because they want to understand how things work, it’s because they are in the habit of being No. 1. This makes life miserable. If there is no passion in what you do, you will get burned out early on or reach a plateau soon.


  Intellectual independence

  this allows a person to grow over long-period of time (I say this is the compounding value of knowledge and wisdom)


  Intellectual honesty

  Being authentic and intellectually honest is so important. Lei also does not like people who are overly promotional and who are focused on organizing bureaucracy. At Hillhouse, the team does not do 150-page presentations and sell internally. Repeat your lies 100 times you believe in it yourself.


  Empathy not sympathy

  the most powerful tool to be a successful entrepreneur or investor is to understand the pain points of consumers, employees, analysts, and entrepreneurs.


  If you have the above qualities and a long-term oriented mentality, the rest of it is luck and law of large numbers, do what you are passionate about over and over again, and enjoy doing it over and over again, success will follow in time.


  4. Other lessons from Lei(其他的经验)

  Don’t say I am going to work for this firm or that firm, don’t get into the argument with yourself. Just ask the simple question, are they the quality people you want to spend time with, who are you working with, working for, what kind of people are they, are they the kind of people who give “positive energy.”


  The world has already evolved way beyond the traditional employment relationship but to a more partnership model. It’s all about in what capacity and in what environment you could bring the best of yourself.


  Don’t wait for the opportunity to analyze your mistakes, spend 10x more effort trying to analyze your mistakes than success.
