
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【 - 学人智库】


  1.accumulate vt.积累,存储,蓄积(财产等)

  【【商务用语】】accumulated funds 积累的资金

  【【例句】】By buying ten books every month, he soon accumulated a good library.


  2.additional adj.附加的,补充的

  【【商务用语】】an additional tax 附加税

  the additional regulation 补充规定

  additional outlay 额外开支

  additional appropriation 追加拨款

  3.adjudicate vt.判决,裁定 vi.审断,判决

  【【商务用语】】adjudicate a claim for damages 裁定一项损害赔偿的要求

  adjudicate (up) on a question 裁决一个问题

  adjudicate on a case 判决某案子

  adjudicate upon 判决

  4.adjudication n.判决;法院的判决

  【【商务用语】】bankruptcy adjudication 破产程序中的判决

  adjudication order 判决令

  5.adjunct n. 附件,助手 adj.附属的

  【【商务用语】】adjunct account 增价账户

  adjunct condition 附加条件

  adjunct professor 副教授

  adjunct circuit 附加电路,附属电路

  6.abundance n.丰富;充裕

  【相关词组】a year of abundance 丰年

  【【例句】】Curtains are available in abundance.


  7.accessory n. 附件;零件 adj.附属的,副的

  【相关词组】accessary of a bicycle 自行车的附件

  8.accomplish vt.完成,达到,实现

  【相关词组】to accomplish a purpose 达到目的

  accomplish one's mission 完成使命

  【【例句】】You should accomplish the task within the allotted time.


  9.accordance n.一致,和谐,给予

  【相关词组】act in accordance with the rules 根据条例行事

  in accordance with your orders 按照你的命令

  10.accrue vi.自然增加;发生权责 vt.获得,积累

  【【商务用语】】accrued assets 应计资产(应收未收款项)

  accrued interest 应计利息

  accrued depreciation 应计折旧

  【【例句】】The interest accrued over the months.

  11.That company supplies paper to the printers.


  【重点词语】:supply n./v.供给

  【商务用语】:supply the market with new commodities 向市场供应新商品

  supply a need /demand 满足需要

  have a good supply of 备有许多

  12.According to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.


  【重点词语】:survey n.调查

  【商务用语】:monthly survey 月评

  geological survey 地质勘察

  annual survey 年度调查

  appraisal survey 估价调查

  13.There are plans to take over the company.


  【重点词语】:take over n.①接管 ②接任,接替

  【商务用语】:take over from 取代

  take over as 接替某一职务

  14.This task is a accomplished by great effort.


  【重点词语】:task n.①任务,工作 ②定额

  【商务用语】:fulfil a task 完成一项任务

  task force 突击队,攻关小队(为完成某项任务而在一起的一组人)

  15.These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.


  【重点词语】:tax n.①税 ②税金

  【商务用语】:free of tax 免税

  capital gains tax 资本收益税

  corporation tax 公司税,法人税

  16.She has a taxable income of $50,000 per year.


  【重点词语】:taxable adj. 可征税的

  【商务用语】:taxable income 应纳税收入的

  taxable allowance 免税额

  17.administer vt. 管理;实施 vi.管理 n.管理人,管理

  【【商务用语】】administer a trust fund 经营一项信托基金

  administer justice 执行审判

  administer arbitration 管理仲裁

  administer relief 进行救济

  【【例句】】The manager of the personnel department has the responsibility to administer the staff of the company.


  18.administrative adj.管理的,行政的

  【【商务用语】】administrative ability 管理/经营才能

  administrative budget 行政预算,管理预算

  administrative cost 管理费用

  administrative expenditure 行政开支;管理费

  19. admissible adj.可接受的;有资格加入的(to)

  【【商务用语】】admissible to an office 有资格担任某职务

  admissible evidence 可取的证据

  admissible load 容许载重

  admissible error 容许误差

  19.administrator n.管理人,行政官,财产经理人

  【【商务用语】】associate administrator 副行政官;首席助理

  bankruptcy administrator 破产管理人

  system administrator 系统管理人

  administrator of property 财产管理人