Volunteer 志愿者

学人智库 时间:2018-01-13 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】

  Volunteer 志愿者

  例1:假设你是健康俱乐部的一位志愿者,根据以下要点,写一篇短文,帮助广大市民更好地了解和预防H1N1流感: (1)该流感已在许多国家爆发,病例每天持续增多;



  As we know, a growing outbreak of H1N1 flu has been sparked in many countries. An increasing number of cases are being reported every day。

  It’s thought that H1N1 flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses do, that is, spreading from person-to-person, mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus。

  Faced with this severe disease, here are some everyday measures we should take to stay healthy. First, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them。

  Finally, H1N1 flu is not a terribly deadly disease, which is curable. So, don’t be nervous and just keep calm as usual。








  生词:国际贸易博览会 the International Trade Exposition

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the International Trade Exposition, I’d like very much to be a volunteer。

  All our citizens are hosts for this special event. Above all, I promise I should endeavor to serve with enthusiasm our distinguished guests from all over the world. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. What’s more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication during the Exposition, and I am good at it. I can express myself fluently and clearly in English。

  To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one。


  Li Hua

  Seek help 求助

  Suppose your class is to hold a charity sale for kids in need of help. write your classmates an email to

  1) inform them about the details and

  2)encourage them to participate in

  100 words use LiMing.

  Dont write your address.



  2.内容:求助“in need of help”


  4.落款:Li Ming


  (1)人物关系:同学们,注意对象是复数,且熟悉,所以不需自我介绍过多。但是为什么Li Ming 写信,因为Li Ming 负责“in charge of”或者“take charge”。

  (2)相关细节:“your class is to hold a charity sale for kids in need of help”



  C.捐以上的东西就是帮助,大纲词汇捐献“donate”,不会写就写give your belongings to




  (1)人称:Dear Classmates

  (2)自我介绍:I am……who


  A. My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words.

  B. Words fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you.

  C. Thank you for your time and consideration.


  A.I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.

  B. Your prompt attention to my letter would be highly appreciated.

  (5)落款:your sincerely,Li Ming

  2. 特定内容:

  (1)写作目的:The purpose of the letter that I am writing is to ask you for some help.



  Dear Classmates

  I am Li Ming who is one of your classmates ,and I am in charge of the charity sale for kids which is held by our class.

  The purpose of the letter that I am writing is to invite you to ask you for some help.The charity sale will be held in the theater of our college on April 1, 2013. the occasion needs the items to sale.If you want to donate your book, toy or something else,you can take the things to our monitor Zhang Hua before this Sunday.Please participate in us.We would be honored to have you there with us.

  I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. Your prompt attention to my letter would be highly appreciated.

  Thank you for your time and consideration.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

  遗失 Lost


  I was careless and lost my schoolbag in the reading room of our library yesterday. There are two English books and an English dictionary and a book of maths in it. Would the finder pls send it either to the assistant library or to myself. Many thanks to the finder. My bed room is room 620 of school dormitory.





  高考英语满分作文:a letter on advice 一封意见信

  June 8th

  Dear Haiqing,

  I hear you are very unhappy these days because your parents can’t afford to buy you some brand-name shoes and garments you like very much. And I write you this letter to share with you what I think about this matter.

  To begin with, beauty is just skin deep. Don’t you think it silly to pay so much attention to your appearance? He is a shallow person who judges others by their appearance; in the same sense, he is a shallow person who thinks that a brand-name garment can add to his glamour. So please, just forget about those brand-name things. What really matters is not whether you wear brand-name shoes or garments but whether your clothes fit you. As a student, you have to wear the school uniform on the weekdays and to be honest, you look very smart in it. Then why do you have to bother to buy the expensive brand-name things?

  Secondly, I know your parents are both average workers. Hard as they work, they don’t earn much. Despite this, they do their best to give you a lot of things on demand. Look at the callus on their hands and wrinkles on their faces, how can you have the heart to ask for more than they can afford, which will surely break their hearts? Remember, parents don’t owe us expensive summer camps; they don’t owe us Sony Walkman; nor do they owe us Nike shoes, If you really want those fancy things, you should take a part-time job to contribute to their purchase rather than ask your parents for money to add to their already heavy burden. Don’t you think so?

  Thirdly, we have such a wide variety of things available these days which are both nice and inexpensive. What’s the point of paying much more for those brand-name things that are not much better? My friend, take my advice, and you’ll be a wiser consumer as well as a more considerate child to your parents.

  Poverty, sometimes, is a good thing. It can test a person’s character and it makes a man out of a boy faster than anything else. Keep working hard, and you are bound to be able to afford those things in the near future. Now you may as well focus on your study. Anyway, wouldn’t it be funny for a would-be achiever to be so preoccupied with brand-name things all day long?

  Keep in touch.













  地震纪念日 Earthquake anniversary


  1、假如你和您的同学决定举行赈灾义演,请写出义演的原因,时间May. 12, 2009,地点:本校舞台,目的,作用等情况。

  2、 字数80字左右。

  Notice May 12, 2015

  In “Wenchuan earthquake” on “5.12”,2008 in Sichuan, thousands of people,especially students and teachers died of it,they haven’t beautiful homes andschools.



  高考英语作文满分范文背诵4 关于参观北京动物园的通知 A notice about visiting Beijing Zoo.

  A notice about visiting Beijing Zoo.




  The students of senior one will visit the Beijing Zoo on Saturday April 12th. The zoo has the history of morethan 100 years. It is one of the biggest zoo in the world. There we can see all kinds of animals, such as pandas, elephants, lions, tigers, Milu deer and so on. In the morning, we will be free to visit different areas of the zoo and then have lunch on the small island. In the afternoon, the zoo keeper will give us a talk on how to protect wild animals. Please take your lunch and drinks with you, wear strong shoes because we will do a lot of walking. We will meet at school gate at 7:00 on Saturday morning. The buses will start at 7:10 on time,please dont be late.


[Volunteer 志愿者]