
学人智库 时间:2018-01-13 我要投稿
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TEST 1 Passage one


这篇文章讲的主要是一个study,a study about children’s scientific knowledge and attitudes to rain forests(主题句,第四段第一句) 开展这个study的主要原因是children harbor misconceptions about pure, curriculum science. And these ideas may be developed by children absorbing ideas through the popular media.。并且little formal information is available about children’ ideas in this area

大概介绍了这个study的背景和目的之后,文章就开始涉及五个open-form questions(敞开式)。


Study的结果证明了孩子对热带雨林有误解,并且提出了environmental education对孩子的重要性。


(一)True or false not given的判断标准:

1.true: 文章内完全有的; 可以推断的


3.not given:从文章中找不到;也推断不出来

(二)解析passage one中此类题

1. The plight of rainforests has largely been ignored by the media.

这题一看就知道去开头找答案,因为只有开头提到了media,第一处是第一段中间:in the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage, it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rainforests.第二处是第二段中间 these ideas may be developed by children absorbing ideas through popular media.从这两处就可以得出media对这个事情还是非常关注的,并没有忽视。答案应该为false。

2. Children only accept opinions on rainforests that they encounter in their classroom.

这个一看又知道在开头找答案。看第一段中间in the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage, it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rainforests…….-independent of any formal tuition. 从这里就可以看出不仅仅是课堂知识对孩子有影响,媒体的覆盖也使孩子形成错误认识。答案应该为false。

3.It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the “ pure” science

that they study at school.

这题还是在讲孩子们错误观点的问题,还是涉及到课堂,所以应该在开头找。从第二段第一句“many studies have shown that children harbor misconceptions about “pure”, curriculum science”,这里两个关键的词,misconceptions是表示错误观点,curriculum表示课内的,因此可以判断这句话是对的,true。