
时间:2023-05-05 15:35:44 智聪 英语作文 我要投稿




  五一英语作文 1

  Today is the May 1st Labour Day holiday, labor! Labor the most glorious! Labor is the most happy! Labor day, of course, want to work! So today, we have three general cleaning, home clean, spotless.

  Good! Cleaning has begun! Dad and mom to sweep the floor, I clean the Windows, mother clean the ground and then sweep the floor, drag over after to come and help me and dad, and wipe out all the Windows, the land was dry, and my father and I started playing mineral wax, ceresin floor in good, protect. Mother wiped the table, chair, cabinet and so on and so on. So we finished wax, mother is almost wiped out. I rubs the head, is full of sweat, and looked at mom and dad' s head is sweat, I would like to: mom and dad tired, otherwise, I go downstairs to buy three ice cream, how hard their usual cleaning! I let mom and dad have a rest, have my pocket money a dollar fifty, come downstairs bought three small pudding, come up after gave dad a, give the mother a, a. Break up, my father and I help my mother to wipe out furniture... the day tired ah! A busy day!

  My feeling is: labor, although tired, the mood is happy. We must make allowance for mom and dad, don' t let them too hard, and do housework more at ordinary times, also calculate for the home.




  五一英语作文 2

  On the morning of May Day, my parents and I got up early. I was very happy because my parents were taking me to Phoenix Mountain to play. We set off happily in the warm spring breeze.

  As soon as I entered Phoenix Mountain, I was attracted by the beautiful scenery, surrounded by green trees and small grass protruding from the ground. The fragrance of the flowers was refreshing and truly breathtaking.

  I immediately asked my mother to buy a ticket for "Rushing in", put on a disposable raincoat, and went to play. While playing, the "boat" slowly drove up the rockery, passing through a "tunnel" and quickly "ran" down the rockery. My mother screamed out in fear, but I didn' t make a sound because I had already shrunk into a ball. When I reached the flat ground, I thought there were no more splashes, but to my surprise, a "water column" shot out, splashing water all over my face. My mother and I both laughed.

  After playing "Rush Forward", I will go play pirate ships. As soon as I got on the ship, I heard the children on board shouting, "Come 360 degrees, come 360 degrees! " The staff readily agreed. When playing, I grabbed onto the railing with all my might, afraid of falling. When I got off the ship, I felt a bit dizzy. Mom shook my head and it was ready. We also played bumper cars, free fall, and had a lot of fun.




  玩完“激流勇进”,我就去玩海盗船。刚一上船,我就听见船上的小朋友喊着:“来个360度,来个360度! ”工作人员很爽快地答应了。玩的时候,我使劲地抓住栏杆,生怕自己掉下去。下船的时候,我觉得头有点晕。妈妈摇了摇我的头,便好了。我们还玩了碰碰车,自由落体……玩得不亦乐乎。

  五一英语作文 3


  On May 1, when the sky is blue, my father and mother hold my hand and call me grandpa and grandma. Let' s go to the underwater world together!

  一上车,我就急着问爸爸妈妈:“海底世界里有什么呢?”“海底世界里都是水吗?”……妈妈笑着对我说:“你可真是个' 十万个为什么' 呀,到了你就知道喽。”一下车,我就迫不及待地冲进大门口,爸爸带我去了海豚馆,小海豚们朝我挥手,像是跟我打招呼似的。它还朝我笑呢,我仿佛看到了它脸上的两个小酒窝,灰色的皮肤更显得可爱了。我还见到了海狮,它的皮肤是咖啡色的',很光滑,灯光下亮闪闪的,它还表演了各种各样的技能呢!

  As soon as I got on the bus, I asked mom and Dad, "what' s in the underwater world? " "Is the underwater world full of water? " My mother smiled and said to me, "you are really a ' 100000 why' . You will know when you arrive. " As soon as I got out of the car, I couldn' t wait to rush into the gate. My father took me to the dolphin house. The little dolphins waved to me as if they were greeting me. It also smiled at me, as if I saw two dimples on its face, and the gray skin was even more lovely. I also saw the sea lion, its skin is brown, very smooth, shining under the light, it also performed a variety of skills!


  How happy this may day is! Where did your may day go? Come and share with you!

  五一英语作文 4

  On May 1st, we went to the zoo, which was very crowded. There were so many tourists from all over the country who had a great time during the holiday.

  On May 2nd, my parents and I went to visit relatives and had a sumptuous lunch together. The restaurant was also very crowded. On May 3rd, we went to the shopping center for shopping, and after shopping, we went to watch a new movie. I didn' t go anywhere for the rest of the day, not only because I had some homework, but also because people were almost everywhere!



  五一英语作文 5

  Today is May Day, and my father brought our entire family to Mount Putuo. People say that Mount Putuo is a land of sea and sky Buddhism, but is it true? I' m going to investigate today.

  As soon as we arrived at Mount Putuo, the trees and flowers on both sides were blooming, and there were still fragrant bouquets. There was also a group of tour guides standing at the entrance, but we did not invite a tour guide.

  We arrived at Huiji Temple, which is known as one of the three major temples. As soon as we stepped in, we saw a statue with such a great momentum. After watching it, we walked along the path and unknowingly arrived at Qianlisha. The sea seemed to be singing, lying on the beach, receiving the nourishment of the sun. Accepting it, we also arrived at Guanyin in the South China Sea. The people here were really crowded, which is what my father said to take a photo as a souvenir, Mom took out the prepared incense, lit it, bowed three times, and ed it into the incense burner. Because there was too much incense, some people shed tears when they were smoked. Finally, we took the cableway and arrived at Foding Mountain. There were many trees on the mountain, as well as people selling handmade ornaments and snacks. After strolling around Foding Mountain, we took the cableway again and came down.

  Mount Putuo is a good place, truly worthy of being a Buddhist kingdom on the sea and sky. Although I am tired today, I am very happy.

  今天是五一劳动节,爸爸带着我们全家人来到了普陀山,人们说普陀山是海天佛国,到底是不是真的呢? 我今天就要一探究竟。




  五一英语作文 6


  Today is may day. I' m on a whim. If I want to do something for my parents, I want to do the dishes for them.


  Prepare to wash dishes, I first wet the dishcloth, then wet the dishes and pour the detergent into them. Use the dishcloth to wash the greasy dishes from the inside to the outside. After that, clean them with water and put them away. There are still a few pairs of chopsticks to be cleaned. I turn on the tap, rub the chopsticks with my hands, and they will be cleaned.


  Today, I helped my parents do housework. I' m so happy!

  五一英语作文 7

  Today is May Day, I follow mom to dinghai haisan park by bus.

  Here people mountain people sea, there are a lot of children accompanied by mom and dad to play there. Some playing with kites, some are playing gyro, some in fishing.

  I quickly came to the goldfish. There' s water on the bottom, the goldfish have greatly small, colors: red, orange and purple! I saw many people in the fishing, and also bought a fishing pole gaps.

  Soon, my fish bait was snapped, quickly pull up the fishing pole, in line with your hands, I catch a frisky goldfish wascame up, I carefully put the fish into the basin, the heart is extremely happy! But the goldfish is too small, I also want to hook to larger goldfish. But in the next few minutes, always don' t take the bait fish, or fish ate fish bait, but has not been pulled, I was so angry, I stared straight the way of just overjoyed when already flew to the cloud nine, clamouring to go back home. Mother told me at this moment, fishing to calm down, take your time, not impatient. Listen to the mother, and I put down the fishing pole, patiently caught up, indeed as expected and caught 3, and a than a big. So, I take 4 goldfish went home happily.

  Along the way, my heart never know how much excited, because I not only hook into the big goldfish, also understand such a truth: do not impatient, be patient, it will be successful!






  五一英语作文 8

  May 1st is Wednesday, also Labor Day. My mother said to me, "Open your eyes! Look out the window. What a great day! " Let' s go to the park, "so my mother, classmates, and I went to the park. We ate something in our backpack. On the way to the park, I saw a snow-white blue sky. I saw pear trees, apple trees, and so on. There are several types of flowers under the tree, including colored, blue, red, yellow, pink, and purple. Orange and white. I see some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I eat popcorn, cornflakes, bananas and lollipop. They are great.

  In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited birds, mice, cats, dogs, Boogie, hamsters, rabbits, and so on.

  May Day is my favorite day!

  五月一日是星期三,也是劳动节,妈妈对我说:“睁开眼睛! 往窗外看。多好的一天啊! “我们去公园吧,”于是我妈妈、同学和我去了公园。我们在书包里吃了些东西。在去公园的路上,我看到了雪白的蓝天。我看到了梨树和苹果树等等。树下有几种花,有彩色的、蓝色的、红色的.、黄色的、粉色的、紫色的。橙色和白色。我看到天空中有一些气球和蝴蝶。我吃爆米花、玉米片、香蕉和棒棒糖。它们太棒了。



  五一英语作文 9

  These days the May Day holiday, my mother is going to take me to play in the public ecological garden.

  Because unfamiliar terrain, white ran a lot of road, only "ah-ha! " to the ecological garden of the masses.

  Ecological YuanHou bought tickets and went into the masses, a look, really a lot of people, there are a lot of fun projects don' t money, make me happy from ear to ear.

  Walk, see a pond, fishing, I can be happy, because has always been very love fishing, can be approached a look, just know to rent cost ten dollars, but I managed to persuade his mother, rent the fishing rod.

  Started fishing, there is a group of fish came up, but only in the next to look, not biting. I saw a big fish swim by, but I sat uncomfortable, move the fish all fled away.

  I summarized the reasons for the failure of the last time, after waiting for fish to, did not move, do not emit sound, eyes also unchanged, finally, a big carp bite the hook, but immediately loosened, ate half of the bait, when I was frustrated, I saw it with a bite, I quickly put the hook, the fish really big trouble ah, just pull the lever to bad, I have a hard, give it up, and in this way, we can eat the grilled fish at noon today.

  In addition to these, I also played a lot of things, and now that I think about it, really want to play again!








  五一英语作文 10


  Today is may day. Mom and dad and I are going to have a big cleaning.


  We have prepared cleaning tools, such as dustpan, broom, duster, etc. The first task is to clean up the room and sundries. We take out all the books in the bookcase, classify them and put them in the bookcase in turn. Oh, the bookcase is much cleaner than before.


  The second task is sweeping and mopping the floor. I picked up the broom, swept it conscientiously, and then carefully swept it into the dustpan. I can' t stop working. I' ll pick up the mop and mop the floor clean.


  After finishing the work, we were all sweating, but our family was clean.

  五一英语作文 11

  May 1 is labor day, today I am happy.

  In the morning, I go to play table tennis and children, very happy.

  In the afternoon, we went to a suburban stars pick loquat tree. Came to the stars tree, I saw a lot of fruit trees. There are a lot of loquat.

  I went into the forest of loquat, feeling the sun suddenly disappeared, only heat is gone. Looked up, wow! I saw a bundle, and a cluster of leaves covered the dazzling sunshine, like a big, dark green tent. The pattern of loquat as peng account above. This is a summer resort.




  我走进枇杷林,只感觉太阳一下子就消失了,暑气也荡然无存。抬头一望,哇! 只见一丛又一丛的.树叶遮住了耀眼的阳光,就像一顶巨大的、深绿的帐蓬。上面的枇杷就像蓬帐上的花纹。这里真是一个避暑胜地!

  五一英语作文 12

  Finally came to the May Day holiday, I can play well, dad and I were supposed to the May Day going to jstars courtyard to play.

  We drove to the shanxi taiyuan, hear jstars courtyard house is the best preserved.

  To jstars courtyard, we hired a tour guide, the tour guide to take us to see, I looked around and saw all the polished tile house, very old, it' s no wonder that so well preserved. In jstars courtyard, I counted, there are 20 yard, large and small 313 houses. Jstars courtyard every side in the street, the street are all sell things, between the yard and the yard road all can have a car.

  I heard that "and" raise the red lantern "and" jstars courtyard ' is taken here, it seems this is a very famous jstars courtyard! Jstars courtyard in accordance with the traditional way, north three compound, from east to west in the old hospital, northwest hospital, study court. Three compound in turn to the south to the southeast, southwest hospital, a new school. The six yard of appellation. On the northwest school, originally a small courtyard, family school for jstars, so called the school study. After breaking up, Joe Miriam intends to build gardens, from a crumbling Taigu County large house bought a full set of rockery. When was built, "the July 7th incident" broke out, the Japanese aggression against China, project stopped. The Japanese occupation period, the whole family fled, leaving empty courtyard, only part of the family care. Continues today, jstars courtyard has become a dazzling pearl northern dwellings.




  我听说' 乔家大院' ' 大红灯笼高高挂' 都是在这里拍的,看来这个乔家大院很有名气呀! 乔家大院依照传统的.叫法,北面三个大院,从东往西依次叫老院、西北院、书房院。南面三个大院依次为东南院、西南院、新院。南北六个大院的称谓。靠西北院,原来有一小院,为乔家的家塾,故把此院叫做书房院。分家后,乔健打算建内花园,从太谷县一个破落大户家买回了全套假山。正待兴建时,“七七事变”爆发,日军侵华,工程停止。日军侵占时期,全家外逃,剩下空院一处,只留部分家人看护。延续至今,乔家大院成了北方民居中一颗光彩夺目的明珠。

  五一英语作文 13


  Today, it is Labor Day, is my mother' s birthday. I was a little boy, can not afford to buy a gift for my mother, with labor to give my mother a surprise.


  Just do it. I found a piece of cloth soaked with water, then roll up their sleeves to squat down to clean the floor, tired I pant for breath.


  Finish the floor, I put the cloth wash clean, ready to clean the glass. Because small, floors are high, I had to take a cloth to wipe the face.


  Then, I take out the trash, fold the quilt well. After that, I took a piece of red paper, cut the heart shape, pen to write on "mother Happy birthday wish. Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.


  I just finished, my mother came back, she looked around, put in the arms of my building.


  Today' s "five one" day really happy.

  五一英语作文 14

  Today is labor day on May 1, I' m very happy, because mom and dad will take me to the kaifeng tour scenic spots and historical sites. Early in the morning, and pursued my vovage I was excited to get up, put away the things which I need, so they hurried with mom and dad hurried...

  On the way, I admire the beautiful scenery by the road, happy! To kaifeng, we visited the sky-wave Yang Fu, qingming shanghe round, KaiFengFu, bao temple, he round the forest of steles, DaXiangGuo temple, dragon pavilions park and so on, it' s fun. To me the deepest impression is the dragon pavilions park, because it is in the song dynasty emperor lived, it is now for the kite exhibition, two huge dragonkind dance on both sides of the kite in the park, the park there are many piece of huaping, lawn, each have a tender and soft, with a glossy shine of the grass, and a beautiful fountain in the water, thick water spewed from the central pool, and fall in a fishpond, got one spray. Tinsel thin spout from the frog mouth spit it out, they seem to be saying "welcome, welcome!

  The next night, we' re going to leave, I good want to stay, really want to play one day, because it is so fun... After more than an hour' s journey, we finally came home. Though very tired, but I think this had a very happy May Day!


  在路上,我欣赏着路边美丽的景色,开心极了! 到开封后,我们参观了天波杨府、清明上河圆、开封府、包公祠、瀚圆碑林、大相国寺、龙亭公园等,真是好玩极了。对我印象最深的是龙亭公园,因为它是宋朝皇帝居住的地方,它现在正在进行风筝展,两条巨大的龙型风筝在公园两边翩翩起舞,园内还有许多块花坪、草坪,每块上都有嫩嫩的、柔柔的,透着油光油光的小草,还有漂亮的`喷水池在喷水,一股股清水从池中央喷出,落在鱼池里,溅起一朵朵水花。一丝丝细细的水柱从青蛙嘴中吐出来,他们好像在说“欢迎,欢迎”!


  五一英语作文 15

  On July 14, 1889, by the marxist socialist congress convened, the grand opening in Paris, France. The conference, the French representative lavin proposal: put on May 1, 1886 American workers struggle for eight hours a week, as the international proletariat holiday together. The delegates agreed to by the historic resolution. From then on, "51" international labor day was born.

  Why to this day as international labor day? This is from the American workers' movement in the 1880s.

  At that time, many countries in the United States and Europe, and gradually by the development of capitalism to imperialism stage, in order to stimulate the economy high speed development, to extract more surplus value, in order to maintain the capitalism of the high-speed machines, take the capitalists increasing labor time and intensity of labor to ruthlessly exploit workers.

  In the United States, the workers work 14 to 16 hours a day, some even up to 18 hours, but wages are low. Massachusetts a shoe factory supervisor said, "let a strong able-bodied 18 years old young man, next to any machine work here, I can make his hair to gray at the age of 22. " Heavy class oppression provoked proletarians great anger. Know, they want to fight for survival conditions, only together, fighting through strike and capitalists. Workers' strike slogan put forward, that is, requirements shall institute an eight-hour working day system.


  为什么要把这一天定为国际劳动节呢? 这还得从19世纪80年代的美国工人运动说起。



  五一英语作文 16

  May Day is coming. I m so happy because my father and my mother take me to Wu Quan Park this holiday.

  In the park, I see many trees and beautiful flowers. There are many children and many happy playing games, too.

  My parents take me to the zoo. There are lions, tigers, eagles, bears, deer, monkeys, and so on. I like the monkeys best because they are very clever and they make us laugh. How lovely they are!

  I have a good time that day. What a beautiful and happy holiday.





  五一英语作文 17

  During the May 1st Labor Day vacation I spent my time productively. First I had to get my schoolwork out of the way. I separated all the assignments by subject and began working on them. One by one I completed those assignments and checked over them. After a few hours of hard work I finally finished.

  Time to have some fun! I quickly grabbed my football and began running towards the door. On my way out I saw my parents hard at work with spring cleaning. Even though I really wanted to relax and go play I decided to help my parents out instead. First I helped my father clean the windows. There' s a lot of dirt flying around outside so it took a lot work to make the windows spotless.

  Afterwards I went and helped my mom with the floor by bring buckets of water back and forth for her mop. Time goes by fast when you' re busy at work and soon we found ourselves looking at a clean and beautiful home. We were very proud of the work we had done and that' s a great feeling to discover on this Labor Day.


  时间过得很愉快! 我赶紧抓起我的'足球,奔向门口。正要出门时,我看到我的父母正在艰难工作做大扫除。虽然我真的很想放松出去玩,我还是决定留下来帮助我的父母。首先,我帮着父亲擦玻璃窗。看到很多灰尘到处乱飞,因此花了很多工作,最终使窗户一尘不染。


  五一英语作文 18

  "51" three days of vacation I can be happy!

  Because dad take little brother and I went back to my hometown -- anhuI tongcheng, there is my dear grandpa, grandma, still has a lot of my best friends, I miss them very much.

  On May 1, I got up very early in the morning, to get dolled up on, ready to gift to friends -- I draw colorful paintings, has been to the station by bus. The car sped on the road, my heart already flew to home with the children to play.

  The car for more than three hours, he arrived out of the car on his way home on both sides of the road are other delectable rape, can be beautiful, but can' t see, in nanjing I pestering my father give me a photo. Grandpa and grandma are greeted us at home, I rushed to the grandmother' s arms, kissed grandma grandmother out, hug me, hug brother hand in my kiss on his little face. My friend cherly, tingting came also, they quickly take my gift to them.

  I play with the guys in the old rubber band skipping, also with them climb a mountain, I also teach them to dance, play very happy, didn' t go home until very late, the second day morning I and my grandma together into the tea garden tea leaves, tea plucking my grandma and little brother to play in the tea fields dig earthworms play, we like a gray mouse. Afternoon I and my grandma to ridge mining caraway, a wild vegetables home caraway samples to eat, very delicious, I have not eaten for two years, my grandma do in the evening, I once ate three, put with the bulging belly up.

  How time flies, we was going to go back to nanjing again, again want to split up with my good friends, they were to send me, when you go my tears almost out, get in the car, grandpa and grandma always send us get on the bus, in the car I and the father said, "father, I also want to go home after vacation".







  五一英语作文 19

  This year's May Day, I was particularly happy. I have done many meaningful things and had a great time these two days. My mother took me to many places, including Sanfang Qixiang, the underwater world of Zuohai, and the beautiful West Lake Park... Among them, my favorite is the Fujian Provincial Children's Library.

  On the early morning of May 1st, my parents took me by car to the Provincial Children's Library located at 28 East Street. As soon as I got off the car, I was amazed by a huge flat roofed building in front of me. It was much larger than I had imagined. As soon as I walked into the hall, I was attracted by the statue of Bing Xin Old Man. My mother told me that Bing Xin Old Man was a famous children's writer. After reading the layout diagram at the entrance, we walked up to the second floor. Although there were many people here, it was very peaceful, and everyone quietly focused on reading the books they had borrowed. Subsequently, I also told the aunt in the library the name of the book I wanted to read. The aunt quickly searched for the book I wanted through the computer, and holding the borrowed book, I followed my mother to the reading room. I found a seat and sat down, reading with great interest.

  Time passed quickly, and two hours passed unconsciously. However, I was immersed in the rich and colorful content in the book, completely forgetting myself. It wasn't until my mother said she was going home that I reluctantly left the library. My mother promised to bring me back frequently in the future.

  Today I have gained a lot, and I have learned a lot from books. It was the happiest and most unforgettable May Day that I have ever had.





  五一英语作文 20

  It' s the annual Labor Day again, and I' m going to do something to experience the hardships of labor.

  My grandfather has a mountainous area at home, and spring is the peak season for bamboo shoots. He goes up the mountain every day to dig bamboo shoots. The labor I want to experience is digging bamboo shoots three times. In the morning, I carried a small hoe and went up the mountain with my grandfather. After reaching the mountain, my grandfather started digging, and I couldn' t wait to swing my small hoe. But the soil on the mountain was very hard, and the hoe was heavy. After not digging for a while, I was tired and sweating profusely. So I sat down and rested.

  I rested for a while and saw my grandfather sweating profusely. I quickly took a towel to wipe his sweat, and then handed him tea. My grandfather looked at me and smiled happily. I have experienced the hardships of labor today, and I also know the hardships of every achievement!




  五一英语作文 21

  Sunny May Day, our whole family to go to the wolong mountain park to play. Along the way the grass as if in a nod to us, floret in dance for us, the birds are singing for us, we was very happy, in the car, we soon arrived at wolong mountain park.

  An enter a door, a lot of green green tree caught my eye, for the countless, how like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree, I' m curious thoughtfully looked at this tree, and then solemnly said: "mom, I know that what was the name of a tree. " Mother said, "well you say what is the name of the tree is so big. " I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother smiled, said "yes, is getting the lion. "

  We laughed as he said, soon came to the bridge, the bridge above is very beautiful, the vast lake, tall building loomed as what on the surface of the water like underwater city! Soon we came to the place by boat, I asked uncle still have how long, can we turn a boat? "The uncle said:" about half an hour! I listen to the stunned, but no way, only slowly, etc. , etc. For a long time.

  Looking forward to finally to our ship. I immediately jumped into the boat and rowing happily, my heart is like to eat the honey as sweet, sail, I see Derek fisher is say "hello" to us, the ducks in blessing to us, bless our happy May Day. Quickly for over an hour, go back, because of the water is too big! Some water in my hand as if to remind our next remember to go to this beautiful place to play.

  Ah! This is May Day, our whole family had May Day!


  一进门,很多葱葱郁郁的树都映入我的眼帘,数都数不清,多么像天上的星星呀! 其中有一棵非常非常大的树,我很好奇就仔仔细细地打量了一下这一棵树,然后一本正经地说:“妈妈我知道这一棵树叫什么名字。”妈妈说“那好你说一说这么大的树它叫什么名字。”我脱口而出,“爬狮子”。妈妈笑了笑说“对,是爬狮子。”

  我们一边说一边笑,很快就来到了桥上面,桥上面很美,一望无际的湖水,高大的建筑物隐隐约约的照在水面上多么像水底城啊! 很快我们就来到了坐船的地方,我问叔叔还有等多久,才能轮到我们坐船呀? ”那位叔叔说:“大约半个小时吧! 我听了目瞪口呆,可是没有办法,只有慢慢等,等了好久。终于盼到了我们的船。我立刻跳上船,开心地划着船,我心里就像一下吃了蜂蜜一样甜,开船了,我看见小鱼在向我们打招呼,野鸭子在向我们祝福,祝福我们五一节快乐。很快足足的一个小时就过去了,回去的时侯,因为水太大的`原因吧! 有些水花落在我的手上好像在提醒我们下一次记着还要到这美丽的地方来玩。

  啊! 这就是五一节,是我们全家过的五一节!

  五一英语作文 22

  Today is the International May Day, and television programs are promoting the glory of labor. I think I should also help my mother with something. Mom has so many things to do!

  Mom bought a pile of strawberries to wash, and I said, "Mom, I' ll come. "Mom handed me the strawberries. I first put the strawberries on the plate, then took a basin of water, and then put the strawberries in. I carefully rubbed each strawberry with my hand. After washing, I checked again and found that some of the strawberries were not washed clean. So I washed them again and finally the strawberries were washed clean. I' ll put the strawberries on the plate, complete! It' s time to taste the fruits of my labor, ah, it' s so sweet!

  I swept the floor again and wiped the table clean. I think I' ve done everything I need to do. No, there are still bowls to wash. I poured water into the basin, carefully washed them one by one with a towel, and then wiped the bowls with a cloth. It was really clean.

  Today I am very tired, but I am very happy because I can do housework.





  五一英语作文 23

  I heard that on May Day, there will be a mobile phone promotion activity at the mobile phone store. It happened that Dad was about to change his phone, so on that day, our family came to the mobile phone store to see his phone.

  I found that there are really many stores selling mobile phones, such as Samsung stores, Huawei stores, Apple stores, and some phone brands that I don' t know. My parents and I slowly looked at each other, comparing them one by one.

  Looking at it, I saw a lucky draw organized by a company. My dad asked me to draw, so I took three balls from the box. Upon inspection, I drew three 8s and showed them to the staff. The staff said, "You' re really lucky, little friend. " It turned out that I had a power bank, and I was so happy at the time that I wanted to give it to my mom as a gift. Then we continued to show Dad our phone and after browsing for a long time, we finally saw a suitable phone for Dad. Dad bought it and it was a touchscreen phone. Dad even promised to lend it to me to play games.

  After buying a new phone, my parents and I went to the dessert shop to have delicious desserts. They were so delicious that we passed the day without realizing it.





  五一英语作文 24

  In my eyes, may day is joyful, joyful, long, rich and interesting. Before the mid-term exam, we always looked forward to May Day, thinking that there was no teacher' s accusation, no piles of homework, no... If the holiday is the sky, I am a bird, in the blue sky in a quiet circle, and sometimes in the sky, and sometimes play with the clouds; if the holiday is the sea, I am the fish, the fast shuttle in the coral group, and excitedly out of the water...

  I am a small bookworm, I am only busy studying, I have no more free time to read, and I can draw a lot of time to read, and I can eat a lot of food. I can draw a lot of time to go to the library and read books. I can also borrow the books I like to go home and swim in the ocean of books. The.

  I also love swimming, swimming is the most physical exercise, usually to class, and write homework, occupied the time of our sports, to the May Day, well, I can swim freely in the water. Therefore, I go swimming everyday, that is to say, swimming can exercise and summer.

  Because of the holiday, let me have plenty of time to go to the library to learn the natural and scientific knowledge that I am interested in, go swimming with my friends, throw away the lessons that never seem to be finished, and do not finish the homework. We have time, we can do some meaningful and happy things, may day is good!





  五一英语作文 25

  On May Day, my mother, father, sister, and I went to the park for a picnic, and then visited my grandparents.

  At nine o' clock in the morning, we went for a picnic in the park. We brought juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipop, bananas, ice cream, mangoes and other food. I also brought toys, such as dolls, balls, balloons, skateboards, and kites.

  At two o' clock in the afternoon, we went to visit our grandparents. I helped my grandfather with some household chores. My sister and I played skateboards and dolls.

  We went home at 8 pm. After returning home, I played computer games for two more hours and then went to bed.

  I am very happy on May Day!






  五一英语作文 26


  Today is may day. It' s our working people' s day.

  早上一起床,奶奶就说:“乐乐,今天过节你能做一道菜吗? ”我说:“怎么不能,我很乐意做一道菜。可是做什么呢? ”我的疑问让奶奶也疑惑了。我想了又想说:“那就做我最喜欢吃的.西红柿炒鸡蛋吧! ”奶奶说:“我怎么没想到呢? ”

  When I got up in the morning, my grandma said, "Lele, can you make a dish for today' s holiday? " I said, "why not? I' m happy to make a dish. But what do you do? "My question made grandma confused. I thought about it and wanted to say, "then make my favorite fried tomato and egg! " grandma said, "why didn' t I think of it? "


  So my grandmother and I made scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Prepare tomatoes and eggs first. Wash and cut the tomatoes. Beat the eggs into liquid. Fire again and pour the oil in the pan. When the oil is hot, put in the eggs. At this time, the egg is bubbling in the pot. I keep frying and frying. Soon the egg will be ready. Then stir fry the tomatoes. When the tomatoes come out of the sand, put the scrambled eggs in. Finally, stir fry the seasoning for several times.


  Looking at a plate of delicious scrambled eggs with tomatoes, I feel very happy.


  Labor is glorious, labor is happy, only labor will get better results than laziness!

  五一英语作文 27

  Today is May Day, my parents took me to Qilin Mountain Amusement Park to play.

  At the foot of the mountain, vehicles and crowded crowds slowly walked up the mountain, looking like swarms of black ants from a distance. There are many people buying tickets at the entrance of the zoo, and the queue is forming a long dragon, it' s extremely lively! We continued to move forward and encountered three classmates along the way.

  At the amusement park, my father and I played exciting surfing and crazy Mickey Mouse together, it was really enjoyable! Then I went to play with a water transparent ball. I squatted inside a large transparent ball, and my uncle pushed the ball into the water with great force. When I got to the water, I stood up unsteadily and fell in a few seconds, like a toddler who had just learned to walk, making the people on the shore laugh. Later on, I simply lazily lay inside the ball basking in the sun, the ball swaying on the water, and I lay like a baby rocking and rocking in the cradle, it was so fun!

  This is really a happy and unforgettable May Day!


  山脚下,来来往往的车辆,拥挤的人群在慢慢地往山上走,远远地看过去像一群群黑压压的蚂蚁。动物园门口有很多人买票,队伍排成一条长长的龙,热闹极了! 我们继续往上走,一路上还遇到了三个同班同学。

  到了游乐园,我和爸爸一起玩了很刺激的'冲浪和疯狂米老鼠,真过瘾! 接着我还去玩了水上透明球,我蹲在一个大大的透明球里面,叔叔把球用力地推下水,到了水上,我摇摇摆摆地站起来,没几秒钟就摔了下去,像刚学走路的小弟弟,逗得岸上的人哈哈大笑。后来,我干脆懒洋洋地躺在球里面晒太阳,球在水上晃动,我就像婴儿一样躺在摇篮里摇啊摇,好玩极了!


  五一英语作文 28

  Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, half a semester has passed.

  The long awaited May Day holiday has finally arrived! Haha, that' s great! Lying in bed this morning, enjoying the computer and MP3 player, my parents won' t have too many restrictions anymore! Oh, no way, how could this beautiful golden festival be so simple and wasted! I have to go outdoors, explore famous mountains and rivers, enjoy picturesque scenery, and experience the customs and traditions of a foreign land.

  Go to Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area Valley! The scenery there is like a splash of water: snowcapped peaks, towering ancient trees, as well as flat lakes, waterfalls, and small streams... it is simply a paradise on earth. Or go to Mount Huangshan! Mount Huangshan is known as "the most wonderful mountain in the world". It has four wonders, namely, strange pines, sea of clouds, strange rocks and hot springs, which make people feel like entering a fairyland and make people forget to leave.

  Going to the grassland is definitely good, becoming a shepherd once again! Riding horses, herding sheep, eating handmade rice, drinking horse milk tea, and experiencing the wilderness style of "blowing grass and showing cows and sheep" on the grassland will definitely have a unique charm. However, what I most want to go to is the treasure island of the South China Sea in my motherland - Hainan Island. The beautiful tropical scenery on the island is enough to captivate me: the legendary Southern Sky Pillar with a fairy descending to earth, the extremely fast and exciting beach motorcycle, the curved crescent moon in Yalong Bay, the silver beach, the blue sea and sky, the gentle sea breeze, the swaying coconut trees, and the gentle waves

  It' s so beautiful, daydreaming, I' m looking forward to starting happily tomorrow!


  我期待已久的“五一”长假终于到了! 哈哈,太棒啦! 这下早上赖一下床,电脑、MP3尽情玩玩,爸爸、妈妈不会有过多限制了! 唉,不行,这美好的黄金节日怎能如此简单虚度! 我得走出户外,去博览名山大川,去畅游如画风景,去体验异域的风土人情。

  去九寨沟吧! 那里风景如泼:雪峰插云、古木参天,还有平湖飞瀑、涓涓小溪……简直就是人间天堂。要不,去黄山! 黄山被誉为“天下第一奇山”,奇松、云海、怪石、温泉四绝,使人感到如入仙境,令人流连忘返。

  去草原也一定不错,当一回牧羊人! 在大草原上骑马、放羊、吃手抓饭、喝马奶茶、体验“风吹草低现牛羊”的原野风情,一定会别有一番情趣。不过,我最想去的还是祖国的.南海宝岛――海南岛,岛上旖旎的热带风光就足以令人心驰神往:拥有仙女下凡传说的南天一柱、极速刺激的沙滩摩托,更有亚龙湾弯弯的月牙、银色的沙滩、碧海蓝天、轻柔海风、椰树摇曳、微微细浪……


  五一英语作文 29

  Today is the May Day Labor Day, and the city is boiling everywhere.

  The streets, everywhere People are hurrying to and fro. , heavy traffic. There are hawkers in the street. There are advertisements, leaflets, etc. It can be said to be a bustle. There are so many people shopping in supermarkets that almost every corner is full of people. In front of the cash register, the queuing people are like a bunch of twists and turns, which make the checkout crowded.

  The gate of the park, parking line of parked cars, just like a car. It' s a stream of people walking into the park. Some people take photos beside the scenery, some play chess on the table of the small woods, others exercise in the fitness field. Look at the small square near the bridge. People dance in the square freely. Zhongyang square, adults and children were flying kites happily. The kite with the wind fly in the blue sky. The kite is shining brightly in the sun, and is flying higher and higher in the sky. The sky kite brightly coloured dress is very beautiful.

  As night fell, the whole city became an ocean of lights. The road is a string of bright lights, as the flash off the river torrents. On May 1, people are immersed in a happy atmosphere.






  五一英语作文 30

  I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.

  On Monday,I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle' s flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.

  On Tuesday,I went visiting my uncle' s family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day,we sang karaoke in my uncle' s house. We stayed for the night.

  On Wednesday,I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon,my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car,so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick.

  On Thursday,we returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night,I chatted with my classmates on the phone,and I watched CCTV before going to bed.

  From Friday on,I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework,I emailed them to my teachers. That was the end of it. I started to prepare things for school on this coming Monday.

  All in all,I enjoyed my May Day Holiday in many ways.








  五一英语作文 31

  On May Day, I made an appointment with my brother and brother to go to the Riverside Wetland Park to play. I am very happy. When I got off the car, I hummed a song and jumped down.

  There are so many people in the park! Some fly kites, some play by the water, and some enjoy the scenery. My favorite is reed marshes. The green reeds swayed in the wind, as if welcoming our arrival; A few wild ducks are swimming around in the reeds, busy catching fish and shrimp to eat; The little dragonfly is tired from flying and resting on the tip of a reed!

  The park was really fun, we had a happy May Day.


  公园里的人真多哪! 有的`放风筝、有的在水边玩耍、还有的观赏风景。我最喜欢的就是芦苇荡。绿油油的芦苇荡随风摇摆,好像是在欢迎我们的到来;还有几只野鸭在芦苇丛中游来游去,正忙着捉鱼虾吃;小蜻蜓飞累了,落在芦苇尖上休息呢!


  五一英语作文 32

  Today is May 1st, International Labor Day. My father and I arranged for my cousin to dig bamboo shoots, and he readily agreed. My cousin and I have never dug bamboo shoots, this is the first time, and of course, it feels very novel.

  We arrived at the mountain next to our cousin' s village. But the weather was not perfect. Halfway down the road, a continuous drizzle began to fall. But this did not diminish our interest in digging bamboo shoots, but rather strengthened our will, because as the saying goes, ' bamboo shoots spring up after rain' ! We struggled to climb the mountain, but sweat and rain were confused.

  Dad is the Iron General, leading the way. In a moment, the distance was widened. Wow, bamboo shoots, and there are so many cheeky heads! "My cousin and I looked up and saw the father' s shouts of" exploring the way "ahead. When we arrived, he was already holding a large bundle of bamboo shoots and chattering his head. But we both got nothing. I was extremely anxious and scratched my hair vigorously, thinking, ' Why can' t we dig up bamboo shoots? ' ? Perhaps I was too engrossed in my thoughts. I accidentally fell and even shed blood. I pounded my chest and shouted, "Oh my god, why are you bothering me like this? I am also a human being and the Lord of all things. Why didn' t you give me wild vegetables and even fall on me? " At this moment, I was extremely regretful. My father said to us, "Why don' t you walk ahead? Maybe there will be gains



  Cousin, look at the bamboo shoots. "Before taking a few steps, a prey entered my eyes, and I was pleasantly surprised.

  I also have prey, cousin

  Not long after, how much can our bamboo shoots compare to Dad' s. We are extremely happy.

  I finally understand that following my dad can' t dig bamboo shoots, only by walking to the front can I gain anything. Open up your own path, don' t follow behind others. "This is a small lesson I learned during my May Day labor today.


  我们来到表哥村旁的山上。可是天不作美,走到半路,下起了绵绵细雨。但这并没有减弱我们挖笋的兴致,反而坚定了我们的'意志,因为俗话说:“雨后春笋”嘛! 我们奋力登山,汗水、雨水混淆不清。

  爸爸是铁将军开路,走在前头。不一会儿,就拉开了距离。“哇,笋,还有叽叽头,可真多啊! ”我和表哥抬头一看,是在前头“探路”的爸爸的叫喊声。当我们赶到时,他手里已抱着一大捆笋、叽叽头。可我俩却一无所获。我焦急万分,使劲地挠着头发,想:我们为什么挖不着笋呢? 也许我想得太入神了,一不小心,摔了一跤,还摔出了血,我捶胸顿足喊道:“老天,你何故此般折腾我,我也是人,也是万物之主,凭什么不赐我野菜,还摔我一跤! ”此时的我懊恼极了。爸爸便对我们说:“不如你们走在前头,或许会有收获。”







  五一英语作文 33

  Today is May Day, and my father and mother are going to visit my grandparents together.

  Along the way, my father drove, while my mother told me stories, guessed riddles, and sometimes we watched the beautiful scenery outside the car together, feeling very happy. In the blink of an eye, I arrived at my grandmother' s house and saw her smiling and welcoming us at the door. My grandfather was busy in the vegetable garden in front of our house. I shouted loudly, "Grandpa! Today is May Day, let me give you a model worker! " Grandpa listened happily!

  After my grandfather retired, he was still very hardworking, and there were various vegetables growing in the garden. My grandfather fertilizes vegetables when they are hungry, waters them when they are thirsty, and catches insects when they grow. They are very cute. My grandfather' s family has endless fresh and delicious vegetables throughout the year, all of which are green food.

  During lunch, we happily sang ' The Glory of Labor' with our grandfather. I also want to learn from my grandfather and be a good child who loves to work since childhood.





  五一英语作文 34

  On May Day, my parents and I went to visit Wuzhen together.

  My mother said that Wuzhen is the hometown of writer Mao Dun and one of the six famous towns in Jiangnan. Wuzhen has a history of over 1000 years, and as soon as we entered the ancient town, it was as if we had crossed the time tunnel. The old house along the river is supported by two stone pillars, both facing the small river with windows open. However, the windows do not have glass, but are replaced by a wooden board. With a stick, the window is opened. The stick is taken away, the window panel falls, and the window is closed. Small bridges of various shapes can be seen everywhere in the town, narrow, wide, short, long, and with roofs for shading... On both sides of the town, there are many residential buildings. At night, you can also stay there, walking in the stone covered alleys, listening to the sound of the flowing river, making you truly become a resident of the town.

  Of course, Wuzhen also has many delicious snacks, such as Dingsheng Cake, sister-in-law cake, lamb noodles, white water fish, and so on. Our family sat in a residential area by the lake, enjoying snacks and enjoying the beautiful scenery on the lake. It was really enjoyable.

  If you have the opportunity, be sure to go to Wuzhen and take a look at this beautiful ancient town. I believe it will make you linger and forget to leave!





  五一英语作文 35

  Today is the third and last day of May Day holiday. During this holiday, I didn' t go out to play, but I learned many interesting and happy things from the newspapers.

  In the beautiful environment and fresh air of Hongshan Zoo and the newly built Panda House, three adorable Olympic panda babies are welcomed. They are:; Lang Lang, Cuicui and Duoduo, among which Lang Lang and Cuicui are still twins of dragon and phoenix! Think about the simple and cute appearance of giant pandas. I really want to go there and take a look, touch their black and white clothes with my own hands

  Although I didn' t go out to enjoy the beautiful scenery, under the guidance of my parents and father, I also did a meaningful thing, which was to go to the decoration city and choose wallpaper for my own room. Among the colorful wallpaper samples, I chose my favorite color for myself, with the cute pattern of Snow White dancing in the flowers on the "pink". It' s really beautiful.

  This is an unforgettable May Day, and also a happy May Day. I hope that children like me are happy every day.


  在环境优美,空气清新的 红山动物园里,新建的.熊猫馆里,迎来了三只可爱的奥运熊猫宝宝,它们分别是;郎郎,翠翠和朵朵,其中郎郎和翠翠还是一对龙凤双胞胎呢!想想大熊猫那憨厚可爱的样子,真想去那儿看一看,亲手去摸一摸它们那一身黑白分明的,“衣 服”



  五一英语作文 36

  During those days, I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then. I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting.

  Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority' s foods. We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children.

  It was very exciting. After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house.

  My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party. We played very happy. I also watched lots of carton films at home, they were wonderful.

  I like the holiday. I like my May Day.


  在那些日子里。我过得很愉快。起初, 我去动物园看可爱的动物。然后。我去海洋世界看到美丽的鱼。这是很有趣的。

  其次, 我去和爸妈, 我们去拜访我的祖父母、临夏少数的食物吃。我们骑着马在草原上, 有一个有趣的当地儿童。

  这是非常令人兴奋的。之后, 我举办了派对并邀请一些最好的朋友来拜访我的房子。

  我妈妈买了很多好吃的'食物, 我们也拍了许多照片。我们玩得非常开心。我也看了许多的纸箱电影在家的时候, 他们都很棒。


  五一英语作文 37

  The May Day, I accompany the parents came to shenzhen, in this piece of gold beach there is a magnificent sea, these places left me many wonderful memories.

  Mom just call me when I first came to the beach to play on the rock, I walked over, standing on the rocks, cool zi zi water gently stroked my feet. The footprints of white spray, chasing people, "hua hua" "laughter". Sea wind is so cool, like only small fish slip between my legs.

  Lightly I jumped on the beach, his mouth humming a happy tune, I looked at the blue sky, the birds fly free, pieces of white clouds into countless sheep. Closely linked the deep blue sea and blue sky, a natural and beautiful seascape painting on my eyes now, in the sunlight, this beautiful picture more vibrant, full of vitality.

  The sea is boundless, near the sea surface is bright and clean thoroughly. Gently microwave gradually move towards the shore, more and more close, ran on the beach, rocks, radiant with layers of white flowers, splashing burging silver bead, disappear quietly on the beach. The sea and the sky seems to be a kind of color, seen Haitian seemed to be together. On some of the sky floating white clouds, like the sea, fishing sail slowly toward the distant Piao...

  The sun fell down gradually, white waves lapping the levees, brings me joy and memories...






  五一英语作文 38

  Today, it' s good to leave the May Day holiday. Today is my happiest day.

  In the morning, after I had breakfast with my mom and Dad, I went for a stroll around the market, and then I went to the cave to wait for my two elder sister' s family to have lunch together. At noon, we had a very good.

  After lunch, we went to the grandmother playing dam. Across the river, there was a swing bridge. When the elder sister just walked up to the bridge, she was scared to cry. My two sisters and I were walking hand in hand and skipping across the bridge. Ha ha ha ha! Later, when we helped and encouraged, the elder sister still walked past a shaky swing bridge.

  Enough to play on the bridge. We went to watch the screw dance. By the way, when it comes to screw dancing, you will ask: how can a screw dance? Haha, I heard you understand. We arrived at the other end of the bridge, under the sand bar. There were many, many small and large screws on the side of the dam. They climbed up on a stone, some do not pay attention to fall down, some in the middle and caught some... More on the stone, you are squeezed by me, constantly dancing to your body, causing the next side to move along, so that we can clap our hands and be happy, and really want to squeeze. We picked a lot of screws to let them dance on our hands.

  There are many cobblestones beside the river. We picked them and picked up a lot. There are black and white, snowy and white, some are like clouds in the sky, some are like the moon, and some have colorful ribbons on the waist. Colourful, all kinds, beautiful!

  Today, there are so many interesting things to do.


  早晨,我和爸爸妈妈吃完早饭后,到集市逛了逛,然后就到洞天, 等我两个姐姐的家人去那里一起吃中午饭。中午吃得可好了。





  五一英语作文 39


  When may day came, our family mobilized to clean up the house.


  This time, after his father' s hard work, he became the commander in chief. I saw that he was like a general fighting on the front line, assigning tasks to my mother and me one by one. My mother is responsible for cleaning the room, I am responsible for cleaning the small garbage in the house, and my father is responsible for cleaning the windows, tables and chairs in the house. After the completion of the project, everyone began to work hard.


  I decided to sweep the floor first, so I took the broom and walked into the room. Alas, there' s too much garbage in the room. There' s nowhere to start. Now I understand how much burden my mother is caused by my bad habit of not talking about hygiene and littering. What makes me blush even more is that the bubble gum I accidentally spit on the floor seems to grow on the ground now, and I can' t get it down. No way, I had to take out my "weapon" - knife, and finally used the "nine cattle and two tigers" to scrape it off.


  Dad, the commander, is so funny. He called me and my mother around. We were all too busy. He was still there shouting: "there' s garbage here, it' s too untidy... " At this time, my mother and I are tired and sweating. We just wanted to have a rest, but Dad ordered me to clean the bathroom by myself.


  I came to the bathroom, sorting out the contents and humming tuneless songs. Who knows that he accidentally touched the switch for bathing, which turned him into a drowned rat. When his father saw it, he almost fell off the chair with a smile, while his mother could not get up by sitting directly on the sofa and covering her stomach


  In this happy moment, the May Day sweeping has come to a perfect end. Although we have become "HuaMian cats", but looking at a clean and tidy home, everyone is happy.

  五一英语作文 40


  Today is may day.


  A light rain last night made the air very fresh, and the dew rolled on the leaves. In the breeze, I came to the park with Xiaowu and Xiaojie.


  Ah, what a beautiful new park! Flowers are the stage of butterflies, butterflies are dancing happily; trees are the paradise of birds, birds are singing happily.


  Our three children are like happy fawn. They play slide, mountain climbing, water floating, and incense to immortals


  The most fun is the martialarts competition. We each have our own weapons. I have a "Liquan magic gun", Xiaowu has a "Fengzui Dao", and Xiaojie has a "three prongs".


  The match started. Xiao Jie and I fought for three hundred rounds. I used a move "tiger down the mountain", Xiaojie came to a "mountain collapse". I used a move to "open up the world". Xiaojie was unprepared and I knocked out the fork. Xiaojie goes down to the stage with his head down.


  Xiaowu came on stage. Although my shooting skills are like Python turning over and disappearing, Xiaowu' s Sabre skills are also excellent. In order to win Xiaowu, I used the "Assassin' s mace" to kill Xiaowu and defeat the array.


  The two defeated soldiers began to fight for the second place. Look, one is "making a splash" and the other is "finishing touch". One "Yugongyishan" and one "Jingwei reclamation" were killed in the dark. Slowly, Xiaojie can' t stand it. Xiaowu makes a move of "Eight Immortals cross the sea" to kill Xiaojie and run away.


  After a fierce battle, I am the champion, Xiaowu is the runner up, Xiaojie is the third.


  The birds in the tree chirp, as if to say: "children, your May Day is really happy. "

  五一英语作文 41

  I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.

  On 2nd May, I visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well. On 3rd May, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. All the other days leftI didnt go anywhere, no only becasue I still have some homework, but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!

  五一英语作文 42

  Today is Labor Day I wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not want to mother and father ran hastily from which my father said He Shan and I want your mother to buy a big market GuangcaI furniture at home idle you nothing you do for a long time on the work you did not clean your room on ah finished cleaning your room left.

  Fathers work, then how can pyronaridine I do not sound lazy to climb up to wash clothes brush it started cleaning the garbage I have to say about a good clean-up to blame the sorry though I am a girl but the room was indeed a public In fact, the landfill vice table I put things out of the room to have a short while into the living room sofa table are filled with things I used Then I put the cloth to clean the table a second time to I have lived for half a table wiping the sweat as well as silk, such as rain fell like a short while, after all, summer is coming so hot on my hand wiped sweat not continue to the table that I am now seriously discredited it So the every corner of the floor had become dirty clean call me a bum sitting on the bed followed by breathing only clean up the garbage on the line out of the room worked hard in my finally clean.

  Although I am very tired but neat room, I watched very happy!

  Last week I went to mount emeI in sichuan province with my family. early in the morning, we took a taxI to beijing west railway station. the station was very lively.

  Half an hour later, we got on the train. on the train, we had a lot of fun. after 26 hours, we reached sichuan. there, we took many photos and had a goodtime. 5 days later, we came back to the beijing. even though my travel seemed really short, but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long.

  五一英语作文 43

  A wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, scenic Geleshan play. Small colorful flowers to welcome our arrival with a smile; Xiaocaohu their small head out and waved to us. We enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking.

  Along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others have a muddy splash. We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields. Cousin cousin and I could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle. Pick a pick, and I was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on. If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it. End mining flowers, the mother asked us: "Do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it? " Cousin said: "Honeysuckle is Shannon. " Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Qingre, Reduce Pathogenic Fire. " I said : "Honeysuckle can also be down summer heat. " her mother said: "You are right, but the best place honeysuckle is native, does not appreciate other peoples live. "

  After the play, I not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life. Ah really gain a lot.

  五一英语作文 44

  The holiday of labor' s day I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st may, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.

  On 2nd may, I visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.

  On 3rd may, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. all the other days leftI didn' t go anywhere, no only becasue I still have some homework, but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!

  五一英语作文 45

  May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor' s Day.

  My mother said to me:"Open your eyes! And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let' s go to park, "So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park.

  We took some foods in my schoolbag.

  On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers.

  It' s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

  In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

  May Day is my favorite day.

  五一英语作文 46

  Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.

  In the morning at nine o' clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.

  In the afternoon at two o' clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o' clock we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.

  Today I' m very happy!

  五一英语作文 47

  May holiday coming. Our family going to do something. Today I called my little brother' s phone at the noon. He asked me what I am going to do in the holiday. I told him we want to go on a trip some day during but where we don' t decide to go. We are going to sleep in the morning May first. Then we are going to go to Dawukou by bus in the afternoon. We are going to have a day off May 2nd. If it' s will fine in May 3rd we are going to go out on trip. I am going to go to the Forest Park. Your ster' s husband going to hometown Xiamiao. He wants to go fhing.

  Gui Zexuan going to climb the hill with h friends. We are dcussing. I asked my little brother what plans you are going to in the holiday. He invited us to go h home. He wanted to go Suyukou with us. I was glad to hear the news. Our family decided to go Yingchun to Suyukou on trip.

  五一英语作文 48

  On May Day my elder brother, grand-mother,aunt and me went shopping, we bought: lollipops, bananas, ice creams, chocolates, milk, apples, peanuts, hot dogs and so on.

  On May second it was my birthday. I ate birthday cake and went to XuJiaShan Park.

  From May third to May fifth, I watched TV, went cycling, went swimming, took pictures, enjoyed fish and jelly. Sour and sweet pork bolus. Fried eggs with tomatoes. I also watched TV. There were many sports stars. They were having competition. Mother bought skirt, dress, socks, T-shirt and slippers as my birthday gifts. And we drank some orange juice, apple juice and banana juice. I think I had a wonderful May Day.

  五一英语作文 49

  May holiday is coming. Our family is going to do something. Today I called my little brothers phone at the noon. He asked me what I am going to do in the holiday. I told him we want to go on a trip some day during but where we dont decide to go. We are going to sleep in the morning May first. Then we are going to go to Dawukou by bus in the afternoon. We are going to have a day off May 2nd. If its will fine in May 3rd we are going to go out on trip. I am going to go to the Forest Park.

  Your sisters husband is going to hometown Xiamiao. He wants to go fishing.

  Gui Zexuan is going to climb the hill with his friends. We are discussing. I asked my little brother what plans you are going to in the holiday. He invited us to go his home. He wanted to go Suyukou with us. I was glad to hear the news. Our family decided to go Yingchun to yukou on trip. !

  五一英语作文 50

  May 1st is the international labor day, is the world labor people' s freedom anniversary, for we students, is a long-awaited festival, is also in our winter vacation the again after the holidays, have a three-day holiday. Given that we can open again, happy, happily free sent time, space and dominate their own!

  In the labor day holiday, I was going to with dad to Olympic sports center to do some sports like playing basketball, table tennis, some exercises. However, because of my father and an empress have never been to hainan, want to go to hainan play, so I' ll just have to reassure the idea, stay at home to play. I turned on my computer as usual, but, but online is different from usual, I suddenly reminded us in the 21st century is the age of information technology, many people celebrate May Day on the Internet.

  I also have their own space on the Internet, many know uncle aunt, play games on the Internet know school friends and classmates will come to my QQ space, in their different ways to celebrate with me "5·1" international labor day! Not only in my QQ space, in baidu post bar has a lot of brother elder sister also uncles and aunts blessing each other together the happiness during the holidays, we like the family happy, happy, I think network not only, and our warm home!

  This year' s "5·1" section, and we all had a good time. Through the "51" section, the real from different sides showed the new achievements in the construction of spiritual civilization, also showed the fundamental role of everything for the masses, in the interests of the masses. I think next year' s "5·1" international labor day will have a more pleasant and beautiful!

  五一英语作文 51

  Look at this photo. This is a nice picture of my family.

  There are five people on it. I am in the middle. I' m laughing.

  It looks that I am very happy. There' re some pretty flowers in my hands. A man beside me is my father. He is happy, too. Where' s my mother? Oh... She is behind me. She is a good mother, and she' s my friend, too. I love her. My grandparents are also behind me. They both love me.

  I like this picture, and it is took by my father on May day. I love my family.

  五一英语作文 52

  Labor Day arrived. The school gave us three days off. The labor day is a little different from that before. Maybe you would say, "what' s the difference? It' s not the same. Help my parents to listen to me. Some housework, or help others. " But this time I do not do housework and happy, do not worry,

  Calligraphy studio, take a piece of paper to write "poetic and emotional", after a piece of paper practice, I found that the vertical hook of the poem is not written well, the long erection of the love words over this happiness, I feel from the brush writing, it is because this brush lesson, let my may become more meaningful, more distinctive. Three in the afternoon, I went to the teacher' s head, rendering is not compact, lying hook word is too long. In second pieces of writing, I am careful, not coarse vertical, horizontal hook written, set is compact. The teacher looked at it and said, "yes, write. " I take out the paper, fold up the corner of the sky, write when the teacher said: "in writing, in the heart to have a line, the word on line, so that the center of gravity can be stable, when the money, the word can not be big. " Because I have not practiced so old words inscribed, front left no written. The work finished, and the teacher said, "good. " After that, hang it on the blackboard.

  Hear the teacher' s praise, my heart. Let me feel that if I work hard and get a single harvest, I will be able to get closer to my dream if I want to work hard.

  五一英语作文 53

  May Day is coming. have three days holiday. I to do so much things during this holiday.

  On the first day, I plan to finish all my home so that I can play happily in the other days.

  On the next day, I to see my grandparents my parents. Because they live in a beautiful countryside. There are many kinds of flo and clean air. I love them very much.

  On the finally day, I to play basketball my friends. That is my favourite sport.

  I hope to have a good time on this holiday.

  五一英语作文 54

  As we all know, lately the National People' s Congress has passed several significant perposals, including the new festivals and holidays policies. Three-day holiday is going to take place of ' Golden Week' , which has been written into our latest Labour law.

  Instinct attitudes have been proclaimed by different people. The ones who support this new measurement argue that, short-holiday not only is capable of effectively mitigating the transporting and environment pressures caused by heavy tourism industry, but also allows us to celebrate the traditional May Day. However, opposites do not agree with it. In their opinions, only by long-holiday could grant the employees and workers to be provided with sufficient opportunities to relax and rest. What is worse, sum of potential profits, particularly the tourism margins would lost by implementing this legislation.

  As to me, this new regulation is acceptable on the whole. On the one hand, we college students still can enjoy our holidays with our families and friends. On the other hand, compared with a whole week holidays, short rest would probably allow us to return to our studies and business more efficiently.

  五一英语作文 55

  In May 1 afternoon, I went to Geleshan with my mother, cousin, cousin and puppy to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery. The colorful flowers welcomed us with smiles, and the little grass poked their little heads and waved to us. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and climbed the mountain side by side.

  Along the way, the puppy skipped and skipped and jumped into the puddle from time to time, splashing all over the mud. We came to a mountain, see the beautiful and fragrant honeysuckle all over the mountains and plains. My cousin and cousin can not wait to pick up the pocket to gold silver. Pick a pick, I was honeysuckle vine mixed, slipped and fell. If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vine, might be smashed to pieces. After finishing the flowers, the mother asked us, "do you know what the advantages of honeysuckle are? " The cousin said, "the honeysuckle is very fragrant. " Cousin said: "honeysuckle heat, fire. " I said, "honeysuckle can also get summer and summer. " Your mother said, "you are all right, but the best place for honeysuckle is that it is native and does not live for others' appreciation. "

  After this visit, I not only appreciated the beautiful scenery, but also understood the truth of being a man. It' s a lot of harvest.

  五一英语作文 56

  I received the invitation from my little brother. I went to see animation festival in Wuhan on May 1st. On the morning of May 1st, we took the 7:30 train to Wuhan.

  To the little brother' s home, I opened the TV to understand the "Animation Festival". The big brother rushed into the study, opened the computer to play games, the little brother played in another computer, and they surf on the Internet.

  Just watch TV play, grandma called us to dinner. After eating delicious food, we went on playing. My mother said, "today is labor day, not playing Festival". We heard laughing and "playing the festival? " Never heard of, but after the tree play Festival is also good, that we can justifiably play.

  The weather is too hot. Adults want us to go to the "Animation Festival" tomorrow morning. I suggest that I and my big brother go to Huazhong University of Science and Technology to work with two aunts and two aunts to feel the atmosphere of the University. Dad also said that he had never been to the first-class university in China, which was a lifelong regret for him. None of our three children agreed with the grown-ups, because we had our own activities. Since the Spring Festival, we didn' t play together after the Qingming Festival.

  The adults went out. The three of us were at home, each of whom had a computer, and played the online war. Three people go online to kill.

  Today, no adults at home may day, we are very happy.

  五一英语作文 57

  May Day Holiday at last came! I have lood forward to it for a long time. Because I studied very hard in my school life and L was always thinking of having a holiday and relax myself.

  During this holiday, at first I spent two days finishing my homework. Then I spent three days visiting my relatives. At last I spent two days reviewing my lessons.

  It was fun to communicate with my relatives, especially my cousin Li Ping. Li Ping and I are very good friends. We have a lot in common. But he lives in another city which is far from mine. So we seldom have a chance to play together.

  This holiday, I went to his city and we spent two days togrther. He ledme to many places of interest in his city. And together we played many games. we talked a lot about our schools, our school lives and our friends. We also talked about the best ways to learn well, especially about how to learn English well. Because he was good at English, he gave me some useful advice on it. How I wish I could stay with him for a longer time!

  五一英语作文 58

  From the beginning of the new year to now, workers who have been busy for several months can finally have a good rest today—— Today is the national holiday - "May Day".

  Yes, workers who work hard should have a holiday to relax themselves! However, our students have a holiday on May Day! Maybe the country realizes that our students should also relax when reading! But as students, should we have a real and meaningful "May Day"?

  Someone said: "our students are really hard-working. They spend all day reading, doing homework and taking exams... It"s too stressful!" Yes, we students really have a lot of pressure, and it"s hard to read with our brain! However, compared with the labors who work hard in society, go out early and return late, and work in blood and sweat, what are we?

  Our parents work hard for our family and for us as children to live better! As children, do we find that our parents have added a trace of white hair? Do you find that there are a few more wrinkles on your parents" faces? Do you find your parents" hands rough again? Yes, our parents are getting older. They are no longer young! However, we, as children, are behind all this!

  Today is may day. As children, did we say to our parents, "Dad, mom, happy may day, you"ve worked hard!" Does it really make it easy for parents to celebrate Labor Day? Did you really help your parents with the housework? Did you cook a meal for your parents

  If you, as a child, haven"t done it yet, please do it quickly!

  Not only do you have to treat your parents like that, but also help the hard-working people around you! Even if there is only one "happy May Day!"

  Let"s all have a meaningful may day!

  五一英语作文 59

  It' s labor day. My mother took me to the street. Along the way, it was drizzling outside, everywhere was green, the flowers were particularly bright, and sometimes a few drops of water rolled down. We walked all the way in the rain. There are endless streams of people and vehicles on the street. Various shops display various preferential signs, and people rush to buy them.

  Our whole family came to Daxing supermarket together. The door of Daxing supermarket is filled with all kinds of cosmetics. There is a 20% discount sign in front. There are many people shopping

  goods. As soon as I entered the door, many children took the elevator there, and I also took the elevator. I stood on a grid and the elevator automatically sent me up. I went down and up and played and played.

  When I was tired of playing, I sat down in the next chair. When I saw a child eating hamburgers, I asked my father to buy them for me. A hamburger is made of two pieces of bread with a piece of chicken, a little cucumber and cream. Take a sip and it tastes great.

  My mother told me the origin of May Day, which made me understand that may day is hard won: it is the result of the unity and struggle of the proletariat and working people all over the world. We should cherish today' s happy life, not play, but study hard.

  What an unforgettable and happy day it is today.

  五一英语作文 60

  On labor day, my mother woke me up early in the morning and said I was going to Ninghai to play. I jumped three feet high, wolfed down my breakfast and set off with my mother.

  First, we come to the first scenic spot - Wushan grottoes.

  Through the ticket gate, I saw a statue at a glance. He sat there with a beer bottle in his hand, as if he were friends from all over the world. Along the way, I saw grottoes of all sizes and shapes. Finally, I was attracted by one of the grottoes. I asked the guide, "Why are there so many deep and shallow holes on the wall? " The guide smiled and said, "it' s made by the elders beating with a hammer." I looked at the small hole in the wall and thought about how the predecessors did this work with hard sweat and smart wisdom. I really wanted to say to them that you worked hard. When I looked up at the top of the cave, I couldn' t help shouting, "Wow! How high." Looking at the blue sky outside the cave top, I have a feeling of watching the sky. Wushan grottoes are really beautiful!

  After coming out of Wushan grottoes, it was almost time for lunch. The guide arranged for us to have dinner near the scenic spot. After dinner, we hurried to the second scenic spot - East Zhejiang Grand Canyon.

  According to the guide, entering the Grand Canyon needs to pass through a river. So we got on a big ship and set off. On both sides of the river are mountains, which must be part of the Grand Canyon in eastern Zhejiang! After about half an hour, we arrived at our destination. Getting off the ship, we began a difficult journey. At first, I walked very easily. Later, I felt more and more tired, so I kept asking my mother, "is it the bottom of the valley, is it the bottom of the valley? " Mom said it should be coming soon. Suddenly, a stone forest appeared in front of me. Some of these stones were like sea lions, some like elephants, and some like frogs. Behind the stone forest is the bottom of the canyon.

  五一英语作文 61

  During the May Day holiday, my family and I visited Zhouzhuang, an ancient town in Zhejiang Province known as "the first water town in the south of the Yangtze River".

  Zhouzhuang is surrounded by water and only a small piece of land. We seem to be in the world of water, just as the Italian traveler Marco Polo said: Zhouzhuang is really worthy of being the Venice of the East. As soon as you enter Zhouzhuang, you can see that there are shuttling ships on the crisscross rivers. On one ship after another, the boatmans paddle and sing ancient songs, rowing forward leisurely. On the river, ancient stone arch bridges lie quietly. Being in it, people seem to go back to the long past and feel the simplicity and tranquility of Zhouzhuang.

  On the day we went, there was a drizzle in the sky. The rain hit the river and ripples in circles, just like beautiful lotus blossoms. The rain hit his face, itching and crisp, making people feel the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River.

  Zhouzhuang has more water than anything else. The ancient town is surrounded by water. The river channel in the town is in the shape of a well. Residents build houses according to the river and form streets according to the water. No matter where you look, you can see the small meandering rivers of Zhouzhuang, interspersed in the ancient town.

  Zhouzhuang' s second largest is qiaoduo. There are 14 ancient bridges built in yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties across the river. Among them, Fuan bridge and Shuangqiao bridge are the most important. It' s a pity not to go to Shuangqiao when we arrive at Zhouzhuang.

  五一英语作文 62

  May day is coming. It' s my bad day again. My mother told me again and again, "you should work on labor day and don' t make trouble at home."

  But I don' t take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don' t make trouble here and sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I waved left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you' re still like this. You don' t pay attention to anything. You' d better wash your clothes!" I was puzzled: "why do you always let me do housework? Forget it, forget it, it' s just washing clothes. It' s OK after washing." I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Just wash it. I' m so tired!

  Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can' t change this bad habit. Forget it, you play your game!" "Bad problem? Any? " I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it every day, and I didn' t shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it' s really hard!

  五一英语作文 63

  On labor day, I helped my mother work at home and experienced the hardships and fun brought by labor.

  When I got up in the morning, my mother assigned me tasks, such as sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, cleaning the TV, cleaning the table... And so on. The mother said, "all of your children are spoiled and have no ability to take care of themselves. Today"s may day brings you a good taste of the hard life before. You can"t clean up. How can you get a foothold in society in the future? The long march of the Red Army was much more difficult than you." I thought to myself: Yes, I can"t give in. So I began to sweep the floor. Unexpectedly, my room was so messy and the floor was so dirty that I began to feel tired before sweeping. But thinking of the difficulties of the Red Army in those years, these are nothing. So I worked hard and swept the floor clean in a few minutes. Then I brought a mop and dragged the ground clean, as if it could be used as a mirror. Then I wiped the TV and desk clean. When I stopped, I felt backache, which made me think that my mother must have been more tired than me when she worked. But at that time, my mother"s clean room turned into a monkey"s nest as soon as I went in. When I think of it now, I really feel a little naughty and make my mother sad.

  Through this labor, I understand how hard my mother used to be. In the future, I will not let my mother be so tired. I will help my mother do more housework. I also get happiness from my work. When I see my work in exchange for a clean and tidy room, it"s really beautiful! It"s really "labor creates beauty"!

  Here, I would like to express my deep respect to the workers working in various posts! You are so hard! I wish you a happy Labor Day!

  五一英语作文 64

  On May Day, I went to Shijiazhuang zoo with my father, mother, grandma, Grandpa and my brother. This is the place I' ve always wanted to go. I' m very excited. On the way, I ask this and that from time to time. I just want to get to the Zoo earlier.

  At noon, we arrived at Shijiazhuang zoo. The zoo is very large, several times larger than our school. In the zoo, I went to many places, such as Flamingo Pavilion, elephant Pavilion, hippo Pavilion, giraffe Pavilion, rhinoceros Pavilion, bird language forest, mandarin duck pond and so on.

  Among them, I am most impressed by the giraffe Pavilion and zebra garden. I only saw giraffes on TV before. Today I really saw giraffes. Giraffes are three long. A long tongue. Two long, long neck. Three long legs. My mother told me that the giraffe' s long tongue can easily avoid the dense long thorns on the periphery of the plant and roll the leaves hidden in the inner layer. The giraffe' s long neck is on the African prairie. It can eat fresh and tender leaves and tree buds that can' t be eaten by other animals in higher places. Long legs can be kicked back and forth, left and right in an all-round way. They have a wide range of blows and great strength. If the lion is unfortunately kicked, his legs can be broken and his waist can be broken immediately.

  The other is the zebra garden. Zebra ears are round and big. They are no different from horses and donkeys in general shape. My mother told me: the stripes on their bodies are protective colors evolved to adapt to the living environment, and the fine stripes can be invisible. The venue of the zebra Pavilion is very large. When zebras see us, they appear very active, sometimes running and jumping, and the stripes fade and appear, which is very beautiful. So I like them very much. They impressed me very much.

  When I went to the zoo this time, I saw many rare animals, increased a lot of knowledge about animals, and understood that only when people live in harmony with nature can I live a better life.

  五一英语作文 65

  On May 1, international labor day, it was sunny. My family and my cousin went to the reservoir in Yuyao for barbecue. When we got to the place, my little sister and other children helped my uncle set up a tent. After setting up the tent, a group of our children played all kinds of games in the tent.

  When lunch time came, we took a bunch of mutton and sausage and had a happy conversation while eating. My parents were fishing at the edge of the reservoir, and I couldn' t help but go to help. The endless Lake glittered in the sun, and several eddies occasionally appeared on the calm lake. It was a small fish ready to bite. I was responsible for putting the fish in the bucket. My uncle was a high hand and caught one after another.

  When the sun went down, we went to the nearby mulberry garden to pick mulberry. My mother said that mulberry is very nutritious, but we must pick the most purple one, which is mature and tastes very sweet. In the distance, strings of purple and red mulberries looked like the little girl' s black eyes. They were very beautiful! I picked it carefully and tasted it. The purple juice flowed in my mouth. We picked a lot and planned to come back and give it to our friends in Shanghai.

  It' s time to start. I think Yuyao is a very beautiful and rich place. I like it very much!

  五一英语作文 66

  I usually spend may day with my family. On May Day this year, a little guest from his hometown, Shen Haolin, was just five years old. He was a very naughty and lovely boy. For the first time, I worked as a small tour guide for him for three days as the host. Although I was busy and hard, we all felt happy and full.

  The first day of the holiday was sunny and sunny. Grandpa took me and my little brother to today' s destination - China Science and Technology Museum. The little brother saw so many strange exhibits for the first time. He looked left and right excitedly, and kept asking "why". I volunteered to be a temporary commentator and answered him carefully. When we watch the global ball screen film "dawn of the space age", he dances with excitement. I followed my mother' s example and answered his "100000 whys" one by one.

  In fact, I don' t know the answers to many of the questions raised by my little brother. I' m determined to study hard and practice hard and be a knowledgeable person.

  Early the next morning, we came to Shijingshan Amusement Park. It was a sea of people! I played many games with my little brother happily, including super swing, crazy bus, Ollie water war, spinning nine headed bird and so on.

  To tell you the truth, I dare not play many thrilling projects, but when I think I am a big sister, I suddenly become much bolder and braver. In addition, I also learned to take care of others. My little brother has to drink water, go to the bathroom and eat. I have been patiently with him. At this time, I suddenly thought of my dear mother. When I was a child, my mother took care of me so carefully.

  Today is labor day and the last day of the little brother' s family in Beijing. My mother and I carefully bought delicious Beijing specialties for them: Quanjude roast duck and daoxiangcun dim sum. At noon, we reluctantly sent off our little brother' s family.

  I had a very happy holiday. I was a tour guide for guests for the first time and learned to take care of others. It was a happy and different may day!

  五一英语作文 67

  One day May Day, my parents and I went to wuzhen tour.

  Listen to mother say wuzhen is a writer MAO dun' s hometown, is one of thejiangnan six famous town. Wuzhen has 1000 years of history, we entered the town,as if through the time tunnel. Along the river' s house is a house with twopillar support a, are facing the river, with the Windows open, however, Windowswithout glass, but with a board to replace, not be a brace be open the windowwith a stick, stick to accept, shutters, shut the window. Town forms of Bridgescan be seen everywhere, narrow, short, wide, long, and has a top can shade... Inboth sides of the small town, there are many houses, in the evening, you canalso spend the night there, walking in the alleys paved with stones, listeningto the murmur of the little stream water, let you truly when one resident of thetown.

  Wuzhen, of course, also have a lot of food snacks, so you can eat in theresidence to such as: victory cake, period of bread, and mutton noodles, BaiShuiyu, etc. We sat on the lake dwellings, while eating snacks, enjoy thebeautiful scenery of the lake, is really very comfortable.

  If you have the opportunity to, be sure to go to wuzhen, look at thisbeautiful town, believe that will make you linger!

  五一英语作文 68

  Today is labor day. My parents took me to Qilin mountain amusement park.

  At the foot of the mountain, vehicles and crowded people are walking slowly up the mountain. From a distance, they look like dark ants. There are many people buying tickets at the gate of the zoo. The line is in a long line. It' s very lively! We continued to go up and met three classmates along the way.

  At the amusement park, my father and I played very exciting surfing and crazy Mickey Mouse together. It was really fun! Then I went to play with the water transparent ball. I squatted in a big transparent ball. My uncle pushed the ball into the water. When I got on the water, I stood up and fell down in a few seconds, like a little brother who had just learned to walk, which made the people on the shore laugh. Later, I simply lay lazily in the sun in the ball. The ball shook on the water. I lay in the cradle like a baby and shook and shook. It was very fun!

  This year' s May Day is really happy. It' s an unforgettable may day trip!

  五一英语作文 69

  The long-awaited "May Day" International Labor Day has finally come.

  Early in the morning, I was so excited that I couldn' t sleep. Because of this small and long holiday, our family will go to grandma' s house, so that I can have fun again. Along the way, I didn' t want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of beautiful mountains and rivers and red flowers and willows. I just wanted to fly to grandma' s house quickly. When the car stopped at the gate of grandma' s yard, I saw many people picking tea in the tea garden through the window. Oh, it turns out that spring is also the tea harvest season!

  The tea garden is green and close to each other. It looks like a green carpet from a distance. A breeze blows and a faint fragrance is refreshing and intoxicating. The laughter of tea https://p.9136.com/1wes from time to time in the tea garden.

  When I got out of the car, I asked my cousin to teach me how to pick tea. We came to the tea garden with a small basket. WOW! How fresh and clean the air here is! I can only see the tender green buds dancing in the wind like a flower fairy. It' s really beautiful! At this time, my cousin solemnly demonstrated and said, "first, when picking tea, you should pick it gently with your fingers, and you can' t pull it hard; second, you can' t pick tea big, you can only pick two leaves as one." After reading the method taught by my cousin, I couldn' t wait to pick it. Because this was the first time to pick tea, I was very interested. After a while, I picked many. Looking at the fruits of my labor, I felt happy. Tired of picking, I still play hide and seek with my cousin in the tea garden. Don' t mention how happy it is!

  This "May Day", I not only learned to pick tea, but also enjoyed the joy and harvest brought by this beautiful tea garden.

  五一英语作文 70

  On labor day, my parents and I are going to play in Yangling. As soon as we get home from school, my father said, "start tidying up our daily necessities. We' ll leave for Yangling tomorrow." I can' t wait to say, "do you want to stay in a hotel? Do you have any children? " Dad said: "every time I go out to play, I don' t have children. I must have children this time." I was so happy that I really wanted to start quickly. I asked my father, "Dad, why don' t you answer what hotel I live in? " Dad said, "we' re going to stay in a container hotel." After listening, I thought: container, isn' t it a box? How can you live? When I go to bed at night, I' m still thinking about how the container can live. I really want to know the answer to this question!

  We drove out early in the morning. We soon reached the martial arts exit. After passing the toll station, I found several cars parked on the roadside. It turned out that they were all dad' s friends. We children jumped out of the car and played games and told jokes like flying birds. At this time, it began to drizzle, and the air was foggy. I felt colder and colder. My father proposed to eat Wugong saozi noodles. When I got to the hotel, I heard uncle Du say 150 bowls of noodles. I wondered if I was wrong? How can you eat so much? After a while, the waiter brought up many bowls of fragrant saozi noodles with a large plate. The noodles are hot and fragrant, with yellow egg slices, green coriander, thin kelp and a few drops of sesame oil. WOW! It' s so sweet! We gulped down noodles and competed to see who ate the most! Before we knew it, we ate all the noodles on the. The uncle of the restaurant counted my bowls when he collected them. It turned out that I ate 9 bowls! No wonder I feel so full! But I still didn' t get the first place. It' s a pity.

  We' ll leave our luggage at the hotel and go to our destination. My good friends and I found a small puddle by the pond with a group of small tadpoles. I think it must have been brought with me when the water was rising. I must put them back in the pond, or they will die as soon as the sun comes out? Just do it. We took the cup and slowly fished it. There were many people and great strength. Soon we saved a lot of small tadpoles. Looking at the free little tadpoles in the water, I really hope that next time they come, they can become frogs and catch pests in the fields! It' s cold, but I' m in a good mood because I did a meaningful thing!










