
毕业论文:被歪曲和践踏的女性形象 - 语言文学毕业论文

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毕业论文:被歪曲和践踏的女性形象 - 语言文学毕业论文

摘  要:贾平凹在塑造《废都》中的女性形象时,对女性所持的审美观、价值观都是从男权视角出发,所塑造的都是认同男权,以男权为中心,外表美丽,并将性欲作为驱动她们1切行为的重要力量的女性形象,这样的女性形象是对当代女性的1种歪曲和践踏。

毕业论文:被歪曲和践踏的女性形象 - 语言文学毕业论文

关键字:《废都》  女性形象  男权主义  性特征



Abstract: At the time of women of Jia Pingwa in moulding Deserted city image, are all to proceed from man right visual angle to the aesthetic conceptions , values that women hold, mould to admit man right, regard man right as centre , look beautiful all, regard sexual desire as urging women of the important strength of all of their behaviors image, distort and trample on one kind of contemporary womens in such womens image.

Key words: Deserted city  Womens image

Man right doctrine   Sex characteristic