

时间:2021-10-01 11:57:21 法学论文 我要投稿



[关键词] 依法治村;民间规范;以德治村;社会主义道德


Paying Equal Attention to Law and Virtue, Ruling the Village in a Civilized Way

————an Internal observation of Movement

of“Managing a Village According to Law”

Zhou Hua

(Law School, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275)

Abstract: To advance the process of the rule of law in rural areas, the government has been insisting on the strategy of “managing the village according to law”. However , during the practice of rule of law in rural areas emerges the unbalance between the institutional supplies and the social demands. Under such situation, to attach importance on the strategy of “managing the village by virtue” may contribute to the settlement of various problems caused by the unbalance, while it can also help to advance the process of “managing the village according to law” and achieve the long-term stabilization in rural areas ultimately.

Keywords: Manage the village according to law, civilian norms, manage the village by virtue, socialist morality


十多年过去了,客观而冷静地看,农村普法取得的真实成效很难令人满意,村民法律意识的提高过于迟缓,不少“正式规则”并未如预期所料那样落到实处。村民的法律意识很大程度上只是本村法治建设现状的反映,我们不能单单指望村民上好法制教育课、听好法制讲座,依据教科书、宣传册上的概念去形成和增强法律意识。因为村民们更为关心的是“活法”、是“现状中的法”。当我们反观农村现状时,就会发现普法宣传与法治实践之间存在着脱节,“正式规则”与“非正式规则”之间存在着信息的不对称,甚至在某些方面仍存在着“书面法律”( law in books )与“实效法律”( law in actual operation )之间的严重对立。村民们读完了从“送法进村”活动中得来的宣传册后,将其束之高阁,照旧依据着许多带有传统法律文化色彩的民间规范来组织社会生活,来调整生产和生活中大多数的矛盾和冲突。这种民间规范作为一种传承性极强的“非正式规则”是不可能短期内仅仅以一套书面上的、外予的、理念化的“正式规则”所能代替的。例如,在许多村庄,有关外嫁女待遇的民间规范明明与书本上的“

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